List of 148 publications in English, in which our clients describe examples of the use of our company's products (A-Line 32D/PCI/DDM Lel/DS, Uniscope, SHM systems A-Line):
E. Borovkova, D. Shabanov (Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk). Monitoring of fibroblast at an early age by the method of acoustic emission. Herald of Polotsk State University. Series F. Civil Engineering. Applied Sciences. 2024. No. 1. P. 34-38. DOI: 10.52928/2070-1683-2024-36-1-34-38. https://journals.psu.by/constructions/article/view/5824 (full text). eLibrary ID: 67268820 (full text)
The article presents the main results of acoustic emission monitoring of concrete and fibro-concrete at an early age. The main characteristics of acoustic signals arising in a concrete mixture during the structuring of concrete with and without structural reinforcement are presented. In the course of the study, the influence of reinforcement on the processes of acoustic signal extraction during the formation of concrete samples was determined. The physico-chemical processes occurring inside the concrete mixture, associated with internal structural changes and, as a con-sequence, hydration stages, are interconnected with acoustic emission, which is sensitive to the capture of numerous elastic wave signals during the formation of the structure under various conditions
Yu. G. Matvienko, I. E. Vasil’ev, D. V. Chernov, A. G. Kalinin, A. V. Pankov (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN), Moscow; Zhukovskii Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Zhukovskii). Structural–Phenomenological Concept and Acoustic-Emission Diagnostics of Composite Stringers under Three-Point Bending Conditions. J. Mach. Manuf. Reliab. 53, 240–247 (2024). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1052618824700018 DOI: 10.1134/S1052618824700018. eLibrary ID: 67307177
The essence of the proposed methodology for monitoring the kinetics of damage to a deformed material is to establish a correspondence between micro-, meso-, and macrodamage, and the acoustic emission pulses generated in this case. During the loading process of a product, the recorded pulses are divided into pulse flows of low (H), middle (C), and high (B) energy levels, corresponding to the energy of destruction of structural bonds. By calculating the current values of the partial content of acoustic emission pulses in the H, C, and B clusters generated by micro-, meso-, and macrodamage, and comparing them with the threshold ones established during destruction, the load-bearing capacity current level of a product during loading is determined. Application of the developed methodology for identifying zones of developing damage and assessing the load-bearing capacity of the current state of stringers under loading conditions during interlayer shear tests is considered
Ivanov V.I., Musatov V.V., Sazonov A.A., Shelobkov V.I. Method of measuring electrical parameters of piezoelectric transducers. Russian patent №2829570 (2024). eLibrary ID: 75120423
Field: measuring equipment. Substance: essence of the method for determining electrical parameters of a piezoelectric transducer is that excitation of converter is carried out by means of electric noise signal, arising as a result of intrinsic thermal oscillations of the polarized piezoelectric material of the piezoelectric element of the transducer, recording the electrical signal obtained at the output of the converter in the operating frequency range of the transducer, determining transducer parameters using values of characteristic frequencies of extrema, corresponding to resonance and anti-resonance frequencies and signal values at extremum frequencies related to resonance and anti-resonance frequencies of transducer natural oscillations. Effect: high accuracy and reliability of determining parameters of piezoelectric transducers
Matvienko Yu.G., Vasilev I.E., Chernov D.V., Balandin T.D. Method of determining coordinates of acoustic emission sources in planar location. Russian patent №2830422 (2024). eLibrary ID: 75121640
Field: measuring. Substance: invention can be used to determine coordinates of acoustic emission sources during planar location. Essence of the invention consists in the fact that the values of the recording time of acoustic signals are specified by the antenna array transducers t1'=t1+Δt1, t2'=t2+Δt2, t3'=t3+Δt3 and design speed υg(um), normalized relative to velocity of longitudinal wave (c) in the controlled object, using coefficients of regression models A1…A4, B1...B4, C1…C4 in formulas of corrections, based on which coordinates of acoustic emission sources are determined. Effect: reduced error and increased accuracy of location of acoustic emission sources
Chernov D.V., Vasilev I.E., Makhutov N.A., Matvienko Yu.G. Method for monitoring kinetics of brittle and viscous damages at stages of evolution of destruction of structural materials. Russian patent №2822717 (2024). eLibrary ID: 68601792
Field: physics. Substance: invention can be used for monitoring of kinetics of viscous and brittle damages in structure of structural material with application of acoustic emission diagnostics. Essence of the invention consists in the fact that based on the combined analysis of the amplitude decay steepness at the attenuation phase of the signal with spectrograms, the recorded AE signals are divided into flows generated by viscous and fragile damages of the material structure. Effect: enabling monitoring of partial content of viscous and brittle damage accumulation in the article loading mode
A. A. Morozov, V. V. Muraviev (Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk). Acoustic emission of 09G2S low-alloy pipe steel samples containing a welded seam (Planning of the experiment). Информационные технологии в науке, промышленности и образовании. Молодежный научный форум : Сборник трудов Всероссийской научно-технической конференции, Ижевск, 25–26 мая 2023 года. Ижевск: Ижевский государственный технический университет имени М.Т. Калашникова, 2023. P. 520-524. http://itnpo.istu.ru/docs/Конференция_ИТНПО_2023.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 54917253 (full text)
Currently, acoustic emission is quite an effective method of nondestructive testing to search for developing defects, but its main drawback is the strict requirements to the equipment and the place of control. This article describes the preparation for an acoustic emission experiment with the aim of its further implementation.
Kostyukov E.N., Nikiforova M.S., Spirin I.A., Nikiforov I.I., Baranov S.N., Shevlyagin O.V., Burnashov V.A. (All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov, Russia). Dependence of Acoustic Emission Parameters and Shock-Wave Sensitivity of Plastic-Bonded HMX on Filler Particle Size. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves. 2023. Vol. 59, No. 3. P. 362-366. DOI: 10.1134/s0010508223030115. eLibrary ID: 62312021
We have studied the dependence of acoustic emission parameters under quasi-static compression and the shock-wave sensitivity characteristics of parts made of plastic-bonded HMX on filler particle size. The dependence of acoustic emission parameters on HMX particle size was used to describe different possible scenarios of the structural degradation of the shocked explosive, which are considered as the cause of the difference in shock-wave sensitivity
D. M. Kuznetsov, V. L. Gaponov, N. P. Shabel'skaya (Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; Platov State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk, Rostov oblast, Russia). Using Acoustic Emission for Investigation of Solvation of Inorganic Compounds. Inorganic Materials. 2023. Vol. 59, No. 5. P. 556-560. DOI: 10.1134/s0020168523050102. eLibrary ID: 64250366
This paper examines the feasibility of using acoustic emission (AE) for gaining insight into solvation processes in liquids. In particular, we demonstrate that, during solvation of various salts, acoustic emission parameters are determined by the chemical composition of the salt. Our results make it possible to predict the application field of AE measurements for probing the salt dissolution process
Matvienko Yu.G., Vasil’ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Dubinsky S.V., Voronkov R.V., Yashutin A.G. (Blagonravov Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Zhukovsky Central Institute of Aerodynamics, Zhukovsky, Russia; Irkut Corporation, Moscow, Russia). Acoustic Emission Diagnostics of Damaged MS-21 Airplane Wingbox during Endurance Tests. Russian Engineering Research. 2023. Vol. 43, No. 10. P. 1223-1233. DOI: 10.3103/s1068798x23100210. eLibrary ID: 65244977
Acoustic emission diagnostics is applied to three zones of structural transformation in the wingbox: two are at the boundaries of the zone of stringer peeling; and the third is close to the edge of the technological window. Using the proposed methodology for dynamic monitoring of the variation in the contribution of the acoustic emission pulses to the lower, middle, and upper energy clusters, the kinetics of micro-, meso-, and macroscopic damage may be monitored during the loading of the wingbox, and the structural stability of the material in the region of the acoustic emission sources may be assessed
Rastegaev I.A., Khrustalev A.K., Danyuk A.V., Afanas’yev M.A., Merson D.L., Sevast’yanov D.V., Melent’ev S.V., Plyusnin A.D. (Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Samara oblast, Russia; The Koryazhma Branch of Ilim Group, Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk oblast, Russia; Perm Pulp and Paper Company, Perm, Russia). Application of the Acoustic Emission Method to Ranking Fatigue Damage in the Material of the Trunnions of Drying Cylinders in Cardboard- and Paper-Making Machines. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2023. Vol. 59, No. 9. P. 923-936. DOI: 10.1134/s106183092360065x. eLibrary ID: 63879570
Using the example of assessing the technical condition of the trunnions of drying cylinders in cardboard machines (CBM), the question of the possibility of ranking cyclically loaded elements of dynamic equipment according to the degree of damage to their material by fatigue cracks using acoustic emission (AE) measurements is discussed. As a result of special laboratory studies with varying loads in the cycle of loading and lubrication of crack edges, the features of AE due to the friction of crack edges and plastic deformation at the crack tip during its growth in a viscous material have been established. It is shown that during cyclic loading of the material, AE signals from the friction of its banks are detected more steadily than AE signals due to a crack jump with an increase in its length, and that tracking the former ensures the detection of fatigue damage in the material even under loading conditions insufficient for crack growth. Based on the data obtained, three AE signs of the presence of fatigue damage in the material of the elements of dynamic equipment were developed under the condition of cyclic activation of the movement of crack edges. As a result of industrial testing of the developed AE signs, their operability was confirmed, their boundary values on the operating trunnions of CBM drying cylinders were clarified, and a method for ranking trunnions by the level of damage due to fatigue cracks was proposed. By comparing the results of AE measurements with ultrasound testing, the reliability of the proposed approach was evaluated and showed the probability of detecting a fatigue crack in the trunnions of CBM drying cylinders at the level of 71%, with the probability of skipping and false rejection of the product of 12 and 17%, respectively. The developed technique is also transferable to other massive dynamic equipment after clarifying the boundary values of AE signs of fatigue damage in the material on this type of facilities
E.A. Burda, G.V. Zusman, I.S. Kudryavtseva, A.P. Naumenko (Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk; Vibration Measurement Solutions, Inc., Houston, TX, USA). An Overview of Vibration Analysis Techniques for the Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Bearings in Machinery. Shock and Vibration. Vol. 2022, Article ID 6136231. 2022. DOI: 10.1155/2022/6136231 (full text). https://www.hindawi.com/journals/sv/2022/6136231/ (full text). eLibrary ID: 54194962
The perfection of methods and means of nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics is determined by the level of development of science and modern industrial technologies. The desire to develop technologies determines the extent and degree to which the monitoring of the state of substances, materials, products—and now the state of the natural environment—are becoming increasingly relevant. The methods and means of condition monitoring and the diagnostics of rolling bearings have been in development for more than 60 years. Despite some successes, however, there is currently no information concerning the veracity of means to completely resolve the bearing diagnostics problem. This paper provides a fairly brief overview of methods and means for monitoring the condition and diagnosis of rolling bearings and also describes one of the newest trends in this field—the analysis of the properties of the characteristic function of vibroacoustic (VA) signals in order to determine the condition of the objects of control and, in particular, rolling bearings. It is shown that the magnitude of the module and the area of the characteristic function of the VA signal are very effective criteria for assessing the technical condition of a rolling bearing.
Marchenkov A., Zhgut D., Moskovskaya D., Kulikova E., Vasiliev I., Chernov D., Mishchenko I. (Institute of Information Technologies and Computer Science, Moscow Power Engineering Institute; Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences). Estimation of acoustic source positioning error determined by one-dimensional linear location technique. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2022. Vol. 12. No 1. DOI: 10.3390/app12010224. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/1/224 (full text). eLibrary ID: 47546490
The one-dimensional (1D) linear location technique has been considered as one of the methods for determining the position of acoustic emission (AE) sources in metallic objects. However, this approach does not take into account the heterogeneity of materials and that leads to poor accuracy of AE sources localization. To estimate the positioning error of the linear location technique which is typically used to determine the AE source location a new approach based on the combination of experimental and simulation methods is proposed. This approach for error estimation contains a finite element model construction of the AE signals localization. The model consists of transmitting and receiving transducers mounted on the test object, the frequency response of which selected close to the characteristics of acoustic emission transducers applied in the preliminary experiments. The application of the approach in current research showed that a reduced positioning error on a flat steel plate reaches 15%. The proposed technique can be used to optimize the number of preliminary tests required to calculate the reduced error of the 1D linear location technique applied for the AE sources localization during the inspection of the structure
N. A. Makhutov, I. E. Vasil’ev, D. V. Chernov, V. I. Ivanov, E. V. Terent’ev (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy (ZAO NIIIN MNPO Spektr), Moscow; Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow). Adaptation of Methodology for Monitoring Damage Kinetics and Assessing Load-Bearing Capacity in Relation to Steel Products. Russ J Nondestruct Test 58, 800–813 (2022). DOI: 10.1134/S1061830922090078
The methodology for monitoring damage kinetics and assessing the bearing capacity of structures using acoustic emission (AE), developed in relation to products made of polymer composite materials (PCM), has been adapted to the evolution of structural steel failure. Due to the higher plasticity of structural steels compared to PCMs, the relative energy (Ep) of AE pulses generated during the rupture of structural bonds at the same scale level turned out to be approximately 5–15 dB lower than in composites. Therefore, during the AE diagnostics of structural steel products, the following boundaries of the separation of AE pulses into energy clusters are established: Ep < 80 dB for the low cluster, Ep = 80–100 dB for the medium cluster, and Ep > 100 dB for the high cluster. We consider testing of the methodology for monitoring the kinetics of damage and assessing the load-bearing capacity of products in the loading mode during static and cyclic tests of samples made of 08Kh18N10T steel with an edge-cut notch.Makhutov N.A., Matvienko Y.G., Vasil'ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Ivanov V.I. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Research Institute of Introscopy MNPO Spektr, Moscow). Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 2022. Vol. 65, No. 2. P. 305-313. DOI: 10.1134/S0020441222020014. eLibrary ID: 48428183
Experiments on the fracture testing of reinforcing fibers of composite materials and specimens of unidirectional laminates were performed using acoustic-emission diagnostics. The results were used to establish the correspondence between the fractures in the structure of polymer composite materials (PCMs) at the micro-, meso-, and macroscale levels and the acoustic emission (AE) pulses recorded in this process and their energy and temporal parameters. The establishment of such phenomenological dependences makes it possible to carry out selection of the registered AE pulses, combining them into energy clusters of the lower (L), medium (M), and upper (U) levels, which correspond to micro-, meso-, and macroscale fractures, respectively, in the composite-material structure. By controlling the redistribution of the weight content of AE pulses (Wi) in the energy clusters, whose total level is WL + WM + WU = 100%, in the product loading process, the damage accumulation in the structure of the PCM package at different scale levels is monitored by evaluating the residual structural strength via comparison of the current values of the parameters Wi with the thresholds [Wi] that are registered upon material failure.
Novikov E.A., Klementev E.A. Acoustic-emission method for controlling changes in the stability of a soil massif treated with hardening substances. Russian patent № 2775159. eLibrary ID: 49200040
Field: engineering and geological surveys. Substance: invention relates to engineering and geological surveys, in particular to methods for determining changes in the stability of soil foundations subjected to chemical-physical fixing. In the claimed method, emitters of elastic waves and probes are placed in the soil base, each of which contains a heating element, a receiving acoustic transducer and a thermometer. Additionally, other sensors, such as pressure sensors, can be placed in the probes. Soil samples are taken from the examined massif and cured using the same technology that was used to strengthen the massif. On such samples, the correspondence of the AE parameters to the stages of the deformed state of the soil and its characteristics is established according to standardized methods, for example, according to GOST 21153.2. With the help of probes, the soil mass is cyclically heated and acoustic emission (AE) is recorded, both stimulated in the geoenvironment by heating, and when it is sounded by elastic waves. The values of the activity and duration of the Dimp ofAE pulses are determined, averaged over the time of heating the soil to the operating temperature М[DIimp(х)] and for part of the exposure interval at this temperature М[DIIimp(x)]. The values of the amplitude Aimp, the number of spikes in the pulse Vimp, the energy of the source Esour of the signals passing through the ground are determined, averaged over the sounding time M[Aimpref(0)], M[Vimpref(0)], М[Esourref(0)] of the soil by elastic waves before its first heating and for the interval of sounding M[Aimpmes(x)], M[Vimpmes(x)], М[Esourmes(х)], produced in each cycle of holding the soil at operating temperature after the registration of the Dimp values used to determine M[DIIimp(x)]. The indicator Rtgrneu(x) is calculated: . Comparing the full-scale values of Rtgrneu(x) with each other and with the values of Rtgrneu(L) obtained on the samples and the corresponding results of their tests according to standardized methods, the change in the stability of the soil mass is judged. Effect: expanding the functionality of the method by providing the ability to determine the change in the stability of the soil mass treated with hardening substances, containing the foundations intended for placing buildings and structures on them, and increasing the performance of monitoring the state of the geoenvironment by the method for acoustic emission.
A. S. Potokin, A. K. Pak (Mining Institute - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (MI KSC RAS), Apatity). Methods for determining rockburst in mining workings. Mining Industry Journal. 2022. No. 5. P. 139-143. DOI: 10.30686/1609-9192-2022-5-139-143 (full text). https://mining-media.ru/images/2022/05_2022/139-143.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 49787460 (full text)
Insufficient attention is currently paid to experimental studies aimed to assess the rock strength. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to study the changes in rock properties in the main fracture zone under compression and stretching conditions. The research paper reviews methods to assess fracture activity in mine workings prone to rock bursts. The possibility of detecting near-fracture changes in the rock mass of the mine workings has been determined using acoustic and electromagnetic emission detection devices (equipment) currently available on the market. Work has been carried out to determine acoustic emission (AE) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) parameters during uniaxial and triaxial loading of rock samples.2021:
Grosse, C.U., Ohtsu, M., Aggelis, D.G., Shiotani, T. (eds). Acoustic Emission Testing. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering . Springer, Cham. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67936-1
This book provides an introduction to Acoustic Emission Testing and its applications to different materials like concrete, steel, ceramics, geotechnical materials, polymers, biological structures and wood. Acoustic Emission Techniques (AET) techniques have been studied in engineering for a long time. The techniques are applied more and more to practical investigations and are more and more standardized in codes. This is because the degradation of structures due to ageing urgently demand for maintenance and rehabilitation of structures in service. It results in the need for the development of advanced and efficient inspection techniques. In mechanical engineering and concerning the monitoring of machines and mechanical components, AE is a widely accepted observing deterioration in the frame of structural health monitoring. The advantages of AE like sensitivity, damage localization potential, non-intrusive nature as well as developments in signal analysis and data transmission allow applications that could not be considered decades ago. As such, AE techniques draw great attention to diagnostic applications and in material testing. This book covers all levels from the description of AE basics for AE beginners (level of a student) to sophisticated AE algorithms and applications to real large-scale structures as well as the observation of the cracking process in laboratory specimen to study fracture processes. This book has proved its worth over the past twelve years. Now in its second edition, it will be a resource that sets the standard and equips readers for the future. All chapters from the 1st edition have been updated and rewritten and eight extra chapters (e.g also regarding AE tomography, AE in plate-like structures and AE for investigations of hardening of fresh concrete) have been added
Y. G. Matvienko, I. E. Vasil'ev, D. V. Chernov (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Damage and failure of unidirectional laminate by acoustic emission combined with video recording. Acta Mechanica. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s00707-020-02866-6. eLibrary ID: 45014944
Research results of damage and failure of unidirectional laminate packages under tension are presented. A study of the kinetics of damage and failure of the laminate structure is carried out by means of acoustic emission (AE) and synchronous video recording. The conformity between failure proceses occurring on the microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic scale levels and the recorded AE events including their energy parameters, shape and spectrum is established. The structural–phenomenological approach implemented by dividing the AE data array into energy clusters allows analyzing the degree of damage and failure of the material employing new criteria parameters, namely the registration activity and the weight content of the location AE events in the clusters of the lower, middle and upper energy levels
R. Oshkin (National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Mining Institute, Moscow). Method of thermally stimulated acoustic emission to assess changes in the deformed state of rocks under quasi-static loading. E3S Web of Conferences 266, 03009 (2021). DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202126603009. https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2021/42/e3sconf_ti2021_03009.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 46824262
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the acoustic-emission response of limestone samples exposed to incrementally increasing quasi-static mechanical loads and a series of thermal shocks. The subject of the study also included the design and composition (confi-guration) of the laboratory facility for the research, as indicated above. The patterns of change in thermally stimulated acoustic emission (TAE) as a function of the deformed state of limestone under development are theoret-ically substantiated. An acoustic-emission criterion enabling a qualitative assessment of the residual strength of rocks was proposed and substan-tiated. The methodological approaches to the processing with the presenta-tion of the author’s interpretation of the physical meaning of the experi-mentally obtained initial measurement data are defined. Finally, the fundamental possibility of using the obtained results in the field conditions for monitoring the evolution of the deformed state of rocks is shown.
Builo, S.I., Builo, B.I. Chebakov, M.I. (Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after I.I. Vorovich, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia). Probalistic-Information Approach to Assessing the Reliability of the Results of the Acoustic-Emission Method of Testing and Diagnostics. Russ J Nondestruct Test 57, 375–382 (2021). DOI: 10.1134/S1061830921050077. eLibrary ID: 47038021
The features of the quantitative determination of the reliability of the results of the acoustic- emission (AE) method of monitoring and diagnostics are considered. It has been established that the traditional way of defining reliability via the probability of a controlled parameter falling into a certain interval sometimes suffers from informational underdetermination. It is shown that taking into account the probabilistic and information aspects of the assessment of reliability makes it possible to unambiguously link the concept of reliability of the results of testing and diagnostics with the amount of information obtained in the course of the inspection or diagnostics operation itself. Examples of practical determination of information reliability of the results of AE method are given.
Matvienko, Y.G., Vasil’ev, I.E., Chernov, D.V. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Using Acoustic Emission and Video Recording for Monitoring the Kinetics of Damage under Compression of Composite Samples. Inorg Mater 58, 1538–1547 (2022). DOI: 10.1134/S0020168522150079
The results of studying the fracture of a batch of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) samples under compression have been considered. The kinetics of damage and fracture of structural bonds in a FRP package under the impact of compressive load was studied using acoustic emission (AE) in combination with video recording. Correlations between fractures of the FRP package occurring on the micro-, meso-, and macroscopic levels and the simultaneously registered location pulses, i.e., their energy parameters, shape, and spectrum, were established. New criterial parameters including the activity of registration of the location pulses in the energy clusters and their weight content were analyzed. The structural-phenomenological approach implemented by dividing the entire array of the AE data into energy clusters made it possible to control the degree of fracture of the material using the activity of registration and the weight content of the location pulses in clusters of the lower, middle and upper energy levels. Comparison of AE events recorded at the stages of loading of the tested samples with video footage of the fracture of structural bonds in the FRP package made it possible to establish the relation between the occurring damage and the recorded AE pulses, their parameters, shape, and spectrum
Makhutov N.A., Vasiliev I.E., Chernov D.V., Ivanov V.I., Terent’ev E.V. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; ZAO RII MSIA “Spectrum”, Moscow; Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow). Kinetics of damage accumulation and failure in the zones of stress raisers in sample rupture tests. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2021. V. 57. № 1. Pp. 31-42. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830921010095. eLibrary ID: 46023085
The influence of various kinds of stress raisers on the processes of damage accumulation, initiation, and propagation of cracks in specimens of steel St3 under uniaxial tension has been considered. The investigated samples had a central aperture with diameter of ∅ = 5 mm or a transverse weld. The results of acoustic emission diagnostics showed that, despite the different nature of the stress raisers, the loading diagrams, the nature of damage accumulation and development of main cracks, the number of recorded acoustic emission (AE) events, and the activity of their recording, as well the dynamics of changes in the weight content of location pulses (Wi) in the energy clusters of the low, medium, and high levels were quite similar, along with the values of these parameters during sample failure.
Makhutov N.A., Vasil'ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Mishchenko I.V., Moskovskaia D.S. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)). Estimation of the additive and multiplicative error of the standard algorithm of acoustic emission sources linear location. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering : 32th International Conference of Young Scientists and Students Topical Problems of Mechanical Engineering 2020 (TopME 2020), Moscow, 02–04 December 2020. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN). Moscow. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021. P. 012018. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1129/1/012018. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1129/1/012018 (full text). eLibrary ID: 48134340
The paper deals with the results of the standard acoustic emission (AE) source linear location algorithm, which evaluates the location of developing damage in a steel sample under static load test to destruction. The linear location algorithm error is due to many factors: acquisition threshold of the AE signals and the dispersion properties of recorded signals, in particular, the dependence of the AE signal propagation velocity on its amplitude. According to the test results, the additive error in determining the time difference of arrival (TDA) of the AE signals to the transducers array is 52.8 μs and the average multiplicative error level is 0.67
Medvedev K. A. (STC EgidA LLC, Moscow). Results of the study of acoustic-emission parameters of fiberglass pipelines for the development of the inspection methodology. Improvement of reliability of main gas pipelines subject to stress corrosion cracking : V International Scientific and Technical Seminar, Москва, December 16–18, 2020. Moscow. Gazprom, 2020. P. 47. eLibrary ID: 44589337 (full text)
During 2019 STC EgidA LLC and INTERUNIS-IT LLC with the participation of the NCO Association Rostechexpertiza conducted a number of tests in the sites of Tatneft-Presskomposite LLC for development of a method of AE testing of in-service fiberglass pipelines. The following results were obtained based on the results of the tests. The acoustic parameters of fiberglass pipelines were determined: the attenuation coefficient is 2.96 dB/m, the velocity of AE signals is 1304 m/s and the recommended value of the amplitude discrimination threshold is 42 dB. 60-80 % of cases of leakage of fiberglass pipelines are preceded by a strong excess of AE activity level 100 imp./s. In different experiments the duration of such excess ranged from 0 to 300 s depending on the loading rate but also on how close the holding pressure selected in increments of 25 % approached the failure pressure. Amplitudes exceeding 60–80 dB correspond to the failure of a single fiber with a diameter of 20 microns. The most informative parameter for assessment of the technical condition of fiberglass pipeline is the AE activity. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out loading without holding. Continuous AE should be considered a signature of a hazard class IV source. If the AE activity exceeds the level of 100 imp/s for 3–5 seconds, it should be considered as a signature of the presence of a class III source and the linear increase in AE activity under a load with activity values ranging from 10 to 100 imp/s should be considered as a source of hazard class II. The presence of signals with an amplitude higher than 60 dB should be considered a signature of the presence of a hazard class I source. The above results are provided in the author's presentation.
Belozerov V.V., Golubov A.I., Kalchenko I.E., Nguyen T.A., Topolsky N.G. (Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don; Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management, Moscow; Fire Safety Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam). Nanotechnologies for testing and diagnostics of materials, constructions and elements of engineering systems of buildings from them with fire retardant coatings. Part 1. Nanotechnologies in Construction. 2020, Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 174–184. DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2020-12-3-174-184. http://nanobuild.ru/en_EN/journal/Nanobuild-3-2020/174-184.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 43002702 (full text)
Introduction. The aim of the study was to optimize the quality control of fire retardant coatings (FRC) during their production and use. The results of a comparative analysis of the consequences of fires and their causes with the parameter of fire resistance of objects indicate that the number of fires and damage from them in buildings of the first degree of fire resistance is almost an order of magnitude smaller than in buildings of the second degree of fire resistance. Consequently, increasing the fire resistance of building materials and structures is the way to radically reduce fires and losses from them. Methods and materials. Based on a system analysis of existing fire protection technologies for building materials made of wood, metals, rubber and polymers, nanotechnologies were developed to determine the stability of samples with an FRC on the baro-electro-thermo-acoustic (BETA) analyzer and create their «images» for further diagnosis of their aging at the constructions and operation facility. The novelty of the study is protected by patents of the Russian Federation. Results and discussion. The obtained results consist in the refinement of computational algorithms for the FRC in the BETA analyzer, as well as in the development of a portable automated complex, which allows to determine the stage of «aging» of the FRC on these materials, and, consequently, their durability and update time. This conclusion is based, firstly, on the results of the development of a thermo-electro-dilatometer crucible for controlling liquid and viscous materials by the authors of the «float design», which will make it possible to control the FRC characteristics during their production, and secondly, to carry out express control after filling them in containers (polymer, metal, glass) without opening it and thirdly, due to the recognition of these «images» using thermo-electro-measurements of the FRC using special probes connected to a portable automated system. Conclusion. The results obtained make it possible to «arm» with portable automated systems not only construction and fire control authorities, but also manufacturers of emergency protection products. This will allow, according to the authors, to fundamentally solve the problems of quality and durability of FRC, but the main thing is to guarantee the stability of the protected materials and structures from them.
Builo S.I., Vereskun V.D., Kolesnikov V.I., Manturov D.S., Popov O.N. (Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don; Vorovich Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don). Determining Friction Coefficient at Run-In Stage and Diagnosing the Point of Transition to Steady-State Phase Based on Acoustic Emission Signals. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2020. Vol. 56. No 1. P. 41-48. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830920010039. eLibrary ID: 43269502
We study the joint dynamics of changes in the parameters of acoustic emission (AE) and in the friction coefficient during TRB friction machine testing of flat steel 12Kh2N4ASh specimens, including those with Ti + Al + N ion-plasma vacuum sputtering. The results of studying the shape of the curve of the reconstructed values of AE-event stream intensity in different parts of the experimental curves of the dependence of friction coefficient on test time are presented. A significant correlation was discovered between the friction coefficient and the reconstructed AE-event stream intensity. Methods are proposed for evaluating the friction coefficient and the time of the run-in stage end based on the reconstructed AE-event stream.
Eremenko V.A., Vysotin N.G., Leizer V.I., Kosyreva M.A., Galchenko Y.P. (College of Mining, National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow; Academician Melnikov Research Institute for Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Strength, deformation and acoustic characteristics of physical models of frame and honeycomb underground structures. Journal of Mining Science. 2020. Vol. 56. No 6. P. 962-971. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120060083. eLibrary ID: 46789420
The article describes preparation and implementation of experimental research into strength, deformation and acoustic characteristics of physical models of frame and honeycomb underground structures designed at the Research Center for Applied Geomechanics and Convergent Technologies in Mining at NUST MISIS College of Mining. An integrated test bench for physical and optical modeling of geophysical processes in the secondary stress fields, an installation and a special test bench for 3D physical modeling of any complexity are manufactured. The standard variants of physical modeling of the advanced frame and honeycomb underground structures are developed. The authors present the test data on strength, deformation and acoustic characteristics obtained on a model of a frame structure variant. The tests show that honeycomb underground structures exhibit higher stability when they contain more circular openings of smaller diameter.
Kolesnikov V.I., Vereskun V.D., Manturov D.S., Popov O.N., Novikov E.S., Kudryakov O.V. (Rostov State University of Railway Engineering, Rostov-on-Don; Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don). Technologies for Improving the Wear Resistance of Heavily Loaded Tribosystems and Their Monitoring. Journal of Friction and Wear. 2020. Vol. 41. No 2. P. 169-173. – DOI: 10.3103/S1068366620020051. eLibrary ID: 43289650
Despite interest, no one to the best of our knowledge has compared the physical, mechanical, and tribological properties of nitride-based TiAlN and CrAlSiN coatings, nor diamond-like ion-plasma coatings (DLC). In order to identify the physical and mechanical properties, including the elastic modulus E and hardness H, we used nanoindentation methods, while experimental tribological testing of coatings was carried out on a TRB tribometer (Anton Paar TriTec SA). These tests revealed that during operation in the contact area of splined joints, a multilayer coating has better mechanical properties than a monolayer one under the testing conditions at specific loads comparable to operating loads. At the same time, a DLC coating features a much lower friction coefficient than do nitride systems. In addition, the paper presents the results of keeping friction units under observation by the acoustic emission (AE) method, which makes it possible to determine the running-in time for both coated and uncoated friction units.
Y. G. Matvienko, I. E. Vasil’ev, M. A. Bubnov, D. V. Chernov (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Influence of Dimensions and Shape of Process Cutouts on the Accuracy of Locating Acoustic Emission Sources. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2020. Vol. 56. No 2. P. 101-109. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830920020060. eLibrary ID: 43285326
Experiments have been carried out to study the effect of the size and shape of cutouts in steel plates on the difference in the arrival time of acoustic emission pulses at receiving transducers. The data obtained were compared with the results of a numerical simulation of the propagation of elastic waves in plates with various strip and circular cutouts. The research results indicate that the shape of the cutout has a much lesser effect on the time of recording pulses by the transducers of an antenna array than the size of the cutout and the location of the receiving transducer relative to the shading zone—the edge of the cut-out. Based on the results of studies in a 40-mm–thick steel plate with a central 100 mm hole, the accuracy of locating an acoustic emission source near the edge of the hole was estimated. Studies have shown that, in this case, to reduce the measurement error to less than 10% of the antenna-array base size, the location group must include at least four transducers. Numerical simulation of the propagation of acoustic emission pulses in plates with strip and circular cutouts made it possible to significantly reduce the volume of experimental studies, while increasing their information content.
Matvienko Y.G., Vasil’ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Ivanov V.I., Mishchenko I.V. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Research Institute of Introscopy MNPO Spektr, Moscow; National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow). Error Reduction in Determining the Wave-Packet Speed in Composite Materials. Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 2020. Vol. 63. No 1. P. 106-111. DOI: 10.1134/S0020441220010212. eLibrary ID: 43260269
The causes of fluctuations of the acoustic-impulse propagation velocity in a composite plate upon a change in the distance between the radiation source and a receiving transducer from 30 to 300 mm were studied. Methods for minimizing these fluctuations by reducing the influence of high-frequency wave-packet modes at the time of recording impulses by acoustic-emission transducers were developed. The use of the latter in determining the propagation velocity of a wave packet contributed to a decrease in fluctuations and stabilization of measurements in the diagnostic zones of the composite plate. These methods made it possible to reduce the velocity fluctuations by more than 30% compared to the standard calculation method.
Makhutov N.A., Sokolova A.G., Vasil'ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Skvortsov D.F., Bubnov M.A., Ivanov V.I. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; ZAO RII MSIA “Spectrum”, Moscow). Monitoring Composite Fiber Failure Using Acoustic Emission System, Vibration Analyzer, and High-Speed Video Recording. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2020. Vol. 56. No 12. P. 960-970. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830920120049. eLibrary ID: 46747829
We consider the nature of the phenomenon of acoustic emission (AE) occurring in the process of deformation and destruction of solid bodies. A theoretical analysis of the processes of transformation and dissipation of energy during the destruction of structural bonds of an idealized model of a solid has been carried out. Using A-line32D and PCI-2 AE systems, Onyx vibration analyzer, and Videosprint high-speed camera, as well as numerical simulation in the LS-DYNA software environment, we study wave processes occurring during deformation and rupture of reinforcing fibers of composite materials. The obtained experimental and calculation data indicate that the main energy is emitted within the period of the aftereffect of fiber rupture in the range of sound frequencies less than 2 kHz. In this case, the energy of the peak values recorded in the ultrasonic frequency range does not exceed several percent of the maximum level at the carrier frequency in the audio range.
M. S. Nikiforova, E. N. Kostyukov (Russian Federal Nuclear Center—All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF), Sarov). Influence of Filler Crystal Sizes on Acoustic Emission Parameters during Tensile Testing of Parts Made of Plasticized HMX. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2020. Vol. 56. No 9. P. 699-705. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830920090089. eLibrary ID: 45131559
We study changes in the parameters of acoustic emission that develops during quasistatic deformation of parts made of plasticized coarse- and fine-grained HMX under tension. Characteristic changes in acoustic emission dependences and absolute values of acoustic emission parameters have been determined during transition from a coarse- to a fine-grained material structure. In accordance with the results of the experiments, we analyze possible scenarios of the development of the process of damage accumulation and failure of parts with a change in the size of crystals that form their internal structure. As a confirmation of the corresponding changes in the parameters of acoustic emission, we have investigated the structure of the surface of parts in the zones of their failure using an electron microscope. Under tension, the failure of parts based on finely dispersed HMX occurs instantly, when a critical level of damage is reached in any part of the volume and conditions are created for microcracks to combine into macrocracks. For parts containing coarse HMX, failure typically occurs according to the principle of a “weak” link, ie., localization of microcracks in one or several zones over the volume of the deformed material as early as at the initial stage of loading. These zones become the spots where cracks merge and the focus of their further development up to failure at a new scale level. The results obtained expand the existing understanding of the process of damage accumulation and failure of energy-yielding materials and can be used in the development and improvement of relevant mathematical models.
Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.L., Zaitsev M.G., Klementyev E.A., Blokhin D.I. (National University of Science and Technology “MISiS,”, Moscow; N.V. Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Acoustic Emission of Frozen Soils under Quasi-Static Mechanical and Cyclic Thermal Loading. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2020. Vol. 57. No 2. P. 97-104. DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09643-6. eLibrary ID: 43306247
The effects of acoustic emission (AE) in soils during freezing and thawing under cyclic thermal and quasi-static mechanical loading have been studied. The composition and characteristics of the developed instrumentation set are presented. The informative AE parameters and primary data processing approaches were justified. The acoustic emission patterns of soil material behavior under the variable thermobaric conditions were obtained. The comparative tests were performed using static probing and ultrasonic scanning.
M. R. Tyutin, V. G. Budueva, G. G. Alekseev (Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Fourth Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, Korolev). Effect of the Technological State of the Material of the Structural Elements of Fuel Tanks Made of Amg6 Alloy on the Acoustic Emission Parameters. Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2020. Vol. 2020. No 10. P. 1213-1217. DOI: 10.1134/S0036029520100304. eLibrary ID: 45184012
The development of acoustic emission during tensile tests of specimens taken from the shells and bottoms of large fuel tanks made of an Amg6 alloy after long-term (for about 30 years) operation is investigated. Different technological states of the structural elements of a tank (cold working of the shell and annealing of the bottom) are shown to affect the acoustic parameters. The activity of acoustic emission signals are found to decrease during the destruction of the cold-worked material and in the specimens oriented across the rolling direction.
V. L. Shkuratnik, O. S. Kravchenko, Y. L. Filimonov (National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow; Joint Stock Company “Gazprom Geotekhnologii”, Moscow). Acoustic Emission of Rock Salt at Different Uniaxial Strain Rates and Under Temperature. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2020. Vol. 61. No 3. P. 479-485. DOI: 10.1134/S0021894420030207. eLibrary ID: 45333994
Acoustic emission activity and longitudinal and volumetric deformations in rock salt samples subjected to uniaxial mechanical loading with a constant strain rate and thermal stress are measured. The features of acoustic emission during deformation under various thermobaric experimental conditions are analyzed It is shown that, in contrast to the deformation parameters, the change in the activity of acoustic emission at the boundaries of the indicated stages is nonmonotonic in nature, as well as features that make it possible to accurately determine each stage and estimate the elastic and strength properties of the rock salt
V. L. Shkuratnik, O. S. Kravchenko, Y. L. Filimonov (National University of Science and Technology—MUSIS, Moscow; Gazprom geotekhnologii, Moscow). Stress Memory in Acoustic Emission of Rock Salt Samples in Cyclic Loading under Variable Temperature Effects. Journal of Mining Science. 2020. Vol. 56. No 2. P. 209-215. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739120026662. eLibrary ID: 45350831
The behavior of acoustic emission in uniaxial cyclic loading of rock salt samples from the Kaliningrad deposit is determined. The samples were tested under varied temperatures and ratios of maximal stresses in sequential loading cycles. The experimental curves of acoustic emission activity and maximal stress and temperature of the previous cycle are obtained. Stress memory in acoustic emission manifests itself equally stably under constant higher and lower temperatures. Memory of the maximal stress of the previous cycle persists under higher temperature in the next cycle and vanishes under lower temperature in the next cycle. In case of the same maximal stresses and constant or higher temperatures in the successive cycles, the stress memory effect is vague: the stress estimated on this base is lower than the maximal stress of the previous cycle.
D.S. Bals, L.A. Vinogradov, Yu. Soldatova (TTS LNK Industries, Riga, Latvija; Riga Technical University Institute of Civil Aviation, Riga, Latvija). Quality control of multi-pass weld by means of acoustic emission. Machines. Technologies. Materials. 2019. V. 13. No. 6. Pp. 263-265. https://stumejournals.com/journals/mtm/2019/6/263.full.pdf (full text). https://stumejournals.com/journals/mtm/2019/4/152.full.pdf (full text)
The article proposes a method of assessing the quality of multi-pass weld by acoustic emission. The AE method involves the identification of developing defects at the stage of stress changes in the material, as well as in the statically loaded state. In the process of control two independent data collection systems were used, which worked in the process of testing synchronously. The selected method of control of the object has a number of advantages over other methods of NDT.
E. Klyuchka, D. Kuznetsov, V. Dudnik, A. Lukyanov, V. Gaponov (Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don; Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Novocherkassk). New methods of seeds functional state and activity control for the development of the biotechnical feedback concept. AIP Conference Proceedings 2188, 030015 (2019); DOI: 10.1063/1.5138408. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.5138408 (full text). eLibrary ID: 43229414
The practical implementation of the methods of analysis of the functional state of the biotechnological system is considered. It is shown that the indicator of habitat assessment can be the plants themselves, which reflect all the changes. Biotechnical feedback is a source for the Databases formation in the biotechnological system. The hypothesis was offered that the productivity of plants, which depends on three elements of the light environment (spectrum, intensity, time of exposure). A system for experimental studies on light stimulation of vegetable and green crops has been developed. The results of studies showing the influence of different light stimulation spectra are presented. Method of acoustic signals of seeds (method of acoustic emission in a liquid) was proposed to determine the functional activity of seeds. An experimental system was created to detect the generated acoustic waves at the initial stage of plant ontogenesis. Thus biotechnological systems for growing plants in an artificial microclimate should be built on the basis of biotechnical feedback.
Ryakhovskikh I. V. (Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC). Regularities of the near-neutral pH stress corrosion cracking of gas pipelines. Научно-технический сборник Вести газовой науки. 2019. No 3(40). P. 43-59. http://www.vesti-gas.ru/sites/default/files/attachments/vgn-3-40-2019-043-059.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 42517478 (full text)
The article considers stress corrosion cracking (SCC) prediction models for pipes steels describing main stages of the process, their rates and implementation conditions. A number of tests, namely: electrochemical, corrosion-mechanical, mechanical, operational life tests, X-ray tests of layer-by-layer texture and residual stresses, analysis of micro and dislocation structure, were carried out for Х70-steel pipes manufactured in Germany and USSR, after these pipes had been operated within the gas pipelines for a long time. It was shown that the texture nonuniformity of steels and residual process stresses in pipes are the parameters characterizing resource for growth or slowdown of cracks at initial stages. The cyclic tests did not identify any indicators of fatigue growth and significant changes of dislocational structure in the areas close to the cracks ~0,2δ deep (where δ is the pipe wall thickness). During static and low-amplitude cyclic loads in the test environment with рН = 5,5…7,0 the rate of crack growth accelerates with available component (sulfide, carbonate, or phosphate) stimulating the anodic dissolution.It was found out that SCC-cracks not deeper than 0,2δ were not dangerous for pipelines reliability;on exposure of corrosion environment the forecasted growth rates of such defects did not exceed0,3…0,4 mm per year, apart from cracks located in the welded joints and along the weld-fusion line. Growing of the 0,2δ deep SCC-cracks would stop without electrolyte.
Zhang, J., Shen, G., Yuan, Y., Shen, Y., Wu, Z. (China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Beijing, China). Comparative Analysis of the International Status of Acoustic Emission Equipment Performance Testing. WCAE-5 Guangzhou, China, November 5-8, 2019. In: Shen, G., Zhang, J., Wu, Z. (eds) Advances in Acoustic Emission Technology. Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 259. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9837-1_4
The good performance of acoustic emission equipment is an important guarantee for the reliability of test results. With the continuous improvement of the research and development technology of acoustic emission instruments and sensors, the performance testing methods and standards are also constantly improving. The international status of acoustic emission instruments and sensors performance testing was introduced. In terms of testing standards, a detailed comparison was carried out. The commonalities and differences of test methods in various countries were put forward to provide references for testers and users of acoustic emission equipment
S. I. Builo, D. M. Kuznetsov, V. L. Gaponov (Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don; Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk; Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don). Acoustic-Emission Monitoring of Nonequilibrium Stage of Electrolysis. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2019. Vol. 55. No 11. P. 803-807. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830919110032. eLibrary ID: 43250130
We consider some features of applying the method of acoustic emission (AE) for monitoring electrolysis. The dynamics of changes in AE at the nonequilibrium stage of electrodeposition of copper from a sulfate electrolyte is described. It is shown that the AE method allows one to evaluate the kinetics of electrolysis and recognize its nonequilibrium stage. The foundations of a method for determining the dynamics of electrolysis in real time based on the parameters of the concomitant emission of ultrasound are proposed.
Vasilev I.E., Matvienko Yu.G., Chernov D.V., Makhutov N.A., Ivanov V.I. Method of simulating transient processes of accumulation of damages in a diagnosed object and a device of a bifurcation model. Russian patent №2704575 (2019). eLibrary ID: 41323015
Field: simulation of processes. Substance: use to simulate unstable transient processes of damage accumulation in a diagnosed object with registration of points of structural and system bifurcation. Summary of invention consists in the fact that to record dynamics of transient processes during formation of bulk cone and change of their trend at points of structural and system bifurcation, due to accumulation of critical mass of granulate at apex of cone, its settling under action of own weight and subsequent avalanche caving, it is proposed to create conditions of conic surface collapse of granulate at low thickness of formed layer δ=10–20 mm, and time strobing of transient processes is carried out by synchronous recording of video images and arrays of local pulses, recorded using acoustic emission monitoring, every second separating AE signals into clusters of lower, middle and upper energy level, by counting frequency of their registration ωi=L,M,U and percentage content Wi=L,M,U, fixing the dynamics of these parameters on the graphs and changing the trend of transient processes at the points of structural and system bifurcation, thus confirming the moments of their recording with frames of high-speed video filming. Effect: possibility of simulating the dynamics of changing trend of accumulation of damages in points of structural and system bifurcation occurring in the diagnosed object.
P. A. Kaznacheev, D. E. Beloborodov, Z.-Yu. Ya. Maibuk, M. A. Matveev, N. A. Afinogenova (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Borok Geophysical Observatory, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl region, Russia). Laboratory Possibility for Revealing Stages and Conditions of High-Temperature Firing of Mud Breccia Using Acoustic Emission. Seism. Instr. 56, 399–410 (2020). DOI: 10.3103/S0747923920040052
The process of laboratory high-temperature effect on the sample of mud breccia, collected in the Bulganak mud-volcanic field, was investigated using acoustic emission (AE) tracking. The laboratory study aimed to simulate the heating of breccia in natural conditions during a flaming eruption of the mud volcano, associated with the ignition of accompanying volatile hydrocarbons. The sample underwent several heating-cooling cycles with different maximum temperatures being attained (up to ∼750°C). Several characteristic stages, according to the analysis of variations in AE activity during the heating process, were identified and presumably compared to the characteristic physical and chemical alterations. During heating, two processes simultaneously developed to determine the changes in the AE activity pattern. First, due to thermal expansion with a simultaneous increase in brittleness of the material, microfracturing was activated. Second, a decrease in attenuation of elastic waves took place. We assumed that the main changes were associated with the loss of bound water and oxidative processes. When discussing the results, we compared them with the data on structural and chemical analysis. Inhomogeneous physical and chemical changes in the specimen’s thin sections, associated with the inhomogeneities of oxidation-reduction conditions, were recorded. The results indicate the influence of both temperature and oxidation-reduction conditions on physicochemical transformations in mud breccia, helping to assess the heating conditions and the composition of the associated hydrocarbons during flaming eruptions
P. A. Kaznacheev, Z.-Yu. Ya. Maybuk, A. V. Ponomarev (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia). Equipment and Methods for Studying Thermoacoustic Emission Memory Effects in Rocks. Seism. Instr. 55, 524–534 (2019). DOI: 10.3103/S0747923919050050
Thermally stimulated rock failure has been actively studied for over 30 years for solving both fundamental and applied problems. At the same time, there are features that make it difficult to obtain information on the development of thermal compared to mechanical damage. The article discusses three main problems: the small number of recorded acoustic emission pulses, the difference in thermal conditions during heating and cooling, and the high level of interference from conventional heating control systems. The article analyzes ways to solve these problems and proposes and develops an improved laboratory setup and methods for studying thermally stimulated rock failure
A. M. Lepikhin, V. V. Moskvichev, A. E. Burov, E. V. Aniskovich, A. P. Cherniaev, V. I. Khalimanovich (Krasnoyarsk Branch of the Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk; Research and Production Enterprise SibERA, Krasnoyarsk; JSC Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems, Zheleznogorsk). Experimental Study of the Strength and Durability of Metal-Composite High-Pressure Tanks. Inorg Mater 56, 1478–1484 (2020). DOI: 10.1134/S0020168520150108
The results of unique experimental studies of the strength and service life of a metal-composite high-pressure tank are presented. The study is aimed at analyzing the fracture mechanisms and evaluating the strength characteristics of the structure. The technique included tests of full-scale samples of the tank for durability under short-term static, long-term static, and cyclic loading with internal pneumatic pressure. The generalized test results and data of visual measurements, instrumental and acoustic-emission control of deformation processes, accumulation of damage, and destruction of full-scale tank samples are presented. The strength and the stiffness of the structure exposed to internal pneumatic pressure are analyzed. The types of limiting states of the tanks are established experimentally. Variation in the stress-strain state of the tank under cyclic and prolonged static loading is considered. The specific features of the destruction mechanism of the metal-composite tank are determined with allowance for the role of the metal liner strain. The calculated and experimental estimates of the energy potential of destruction and the size of the area affected by destruction of the tank are presented. Analysis of the test results show that the tank has high strength and resource characteristics that meet the requirements of the design documentation. The experimental results are in good agreement with the results of the numerical calculations and analysis of the stress-strain state and destruction mechanisms of the metal-composite tank
Y. G. Matvienko, I. E. Vasil'ev, D. V. Chernov (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Study of the Fracture Kinetics of a Unidirectional Laminate Using Acoustic Emission and Video Recording. Inorganic Materials. 2020. Vol. 56. No 15. P. 1536-1550. DOI: 10.1134/S0020168520150145. eLibrary ID: 44965094
The kinetics of fracture of structural bonds in a unidirectional laminate package under the effect of tensile load is studied using acoustic emission (AE) combined with video recording. A correspondence between the fractures occurring at micro-, meso-, and macroscale levels of the laminate package and the location pulses thus recorded and their energy parameters, shape, and spectrum is determined. Data on testing of the new criterion parameters used in acoustic emission monitoring, including the frequency of registration of location pulses in energy clusters and their weight content, as well as the methods providing separation of location pulses into the clusters with similar spectra related to the same or similar types of acoustic emission events, are presented. The proposed parameters and structural-phenomenological approach implemented through dividing the entire array of acoustic-emission data into energy clusters make it possible to quantify the degree of destruction of structural bonds of structural material at all scale levels and predict the residual strength of the product. Fusion of the acoustic emission events recorded at different stages of specimen loading and images of video recording of damage accumulation and fracture of the structural bonds in a unidirectional laminate package revealed the correspondence between the fracture of the composite occurring at micro-, meso-, and macroscale levels, acoustic waves thus generated and location pulses, and their energy parameters, shape, and spectrum
Matvienko Y.G., Vasil’ev I.E., Chernov D.V., Pankov V.A. (Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Zhukovskii). Acoustic-emission monitoring of airframe failure under cyclic loading. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2019, 55, 8, pp. 570-580. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830919080084. eLibrary ID: 41706288
The structural–phenomenological approach used to classify and split acoustic-emission signals into energy clusters, together with the parameters of detection frequency and weight content of location pulses in the clusters, allows real-time monitoring of main trends in damage accumulation at different structural levels and makes it possible to isolate signals generated during the failure of a structural material from accompanying mechanical interference and electromagnetic noise. An example of applying new criterion parameters to determining the moment of delamination of stringer runoffs from the shelves of the MC-21 airframe support strut under conditions of fatigue tests with a symmetric loading cycle is provided. Using the new criterion parameters and developed cluster-analysis techniques, employed, among other things, to discriminate location pulses in the field of spectral characteristics, an interconnection has been established between the process of breaking cohesive and adhesive bonds in the adhesive layer at the boundary between the stringer runoff fastening and the support strut shelves and the generated acoustic signals by their energy, waveform, and spectrum.
E. А. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. G. Zaytsev. Manifestations of Acoustic Emission in Frozen Soils with Simultaneous Influence of Variable Mechanical and Thermal Effects on Them. Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. P. 383-391. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.383. https://pmi.spmi.ru/index.php/pmi/article/view/13211/11966 (full text). eLibrary ID: 41210668
The subject of the research is to establish the fundamental laws of acoustic emission in frozen soils, which allow to create ways to control (monitor) their stability under the influence of variable temperature fields and quasistatic mechanical stress from engineering objects located on these grounds for various purposes. The applied importance of such methods is to increase the speed and reduce the complexity of engineering geological surveys in the northern regions of Russia, carried out with the aim of predicting the loss of stability of the bases of buildings and structures to ensure their safe operation. The study was performed on the original instrumental complex. Its description and characteristics are given. With the use of this complex, thermoacoustic emission effects arising from the repeated alternation of freezing and thawing cycles of the soil during the development of its deformed state, starting from the normal compaction phase and up to the final stage of destruction (the bulging phase), have been studied. It is shown that on the basis of such informative parameters as thermally stimulated activity and duration of acoustic emission pulses, an indicator can be obtained that quantitatively characterizes the stages of the stress-strain state of soils. An experimental dependence of the field of values of this indicator as a function of the mechanical stress and the fractional composition of the test soil is given. The qualitative convergence of this dependence with the classical soil deformation diagram obtained by N.M.Hersevanov is shown, where the stages of compaction, loss of stability (shifts) and destruction are highlighted. Possible physical mechanisms and features of the formation of an acoustic emission response at each of these stages are considered and substantiated. It is noted that the approaches to receiving, processing and interpreting acoustic emission measurement information, which are grounded within the framework of the study, allow to control and monitoring of the carrying capacity and stress-strain state of soils directly in the field.
V. I. Sheinin, D. I. Blokhin, E. A. Novikov, L. V. Mudretsova (Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures, Moscow; Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow). Study of Limestone Deformation Stages on The Basis of Acoustic Emission and Thermomechanical Effects. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2020. Vol. 56, No. 6. P. 398-401. DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09621-y. eLibrary ID: 43242360
The data of the uniaxial compression tests of limestone samples with the registration of the strain gauge data and parameters of acoustic emission and thermoradiation signals are presented. A joint analysis of the experimental time dependencies of the variations of mechanical and physical parameters is performed. The identification methods of the deformation stages of the test samples are considered, and the possibility of the integrated use of acoustic and thermal measurements in monitoring systems for geomechanical events in rock masses is presented
V. L. Shkuratnik, O. S. Kravchenko, Y. L. Filimonov. Stresses and Temperature Affecting Acoustic Emission and Rheological Characteristics of Rock Salt. Journal of Mining Science. 2019. Vol. 55. No 4. P. 531-537. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739119045879. eLibrary ID: 43247213
Synchronized acoustic emission and strain measurements were carried out in rock salt samples subjected simultaneously to different levels of uniaxial mechanical and incrementally increasing temperature effects. Methodological and hardware support of such measurements is described. Experimental dependences are obtained, which reflect changes in shear strains and acoustic emission activity of samples as functions of time and temperature for different axial stresses. As the stresses increase, rock salt transits to the stage of progressive creep at lower temperatures. The transition to each subsequent stage of the temperature effect is accompanied by an increase in the steepness of shear strains and activity-average acoustic emission. The patterns of changes in these parameters at the stages of steady and progressive creep of rock salt are analyzed. The advantages of using acoustic emission measurements to predict rock salt failure due to progressive creep, as well as their importance for solving the problem on estimating salt rocks properties in real thermobaric conditions for the construction and operation of underground gas storages are noted.
S.N. Shevtsov, A.N. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov, V.A. Chebanenko. Piezoelectric Actuators and Generators for Energy Harvesting. Research and Development. Springer. 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-75628-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75629-5
This book presents new approaches to research and desing of piezoelectric actuators and generators of different types based on established, original constructions and contemporary research into framework of theoretical, experimental, and numerical methods of physics, mechanics, and materials science. Improved technical solutions incorporated into the devices demonstrate high output values of voltage and power, allowing application of the goods in various areas of energy harvesting. The book is divided into seven chapters, each presenting main results of the chapter, along with a brief exposition of novel findings from around the world proving context for the author’s results. It presents particular results of the Soviet and Russian schools of Mechanics and Material Sciences not previously available outside of Russia
Tukaeva, R. B., Prokhorov, A. A., & Miniakhmetov, O. Y. (2018). Magnetic Inspection for Assessing the Uniformity of Flange Joints Bolt Tightening. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1781–1791. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95630-5_191. eLibrary ID: 38653535
E. V. Aniskovich, V. V. Moskvichev, N. A. Makhutov, I. A. Razumovskii, I. N. Odintsev, A. A. Apal’kov, T. P. Plugatar’ (ICT SB Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk/SKTB Nauka, SFU, Krasnoyarsk; IMASH Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Evaluation of Residual Stresses in the Impeller Blades of Hydraulic Units. Power Technol Eng 53, 33–38 (2019). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10749-019-01030-y DOI: 10.1007/s10749-019-01030-y
The technologies and results of an experimental determination of residual stresses in the impeller blades of a hydraulic unit of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant obtained through technical diagnostics beyond the projected periods of use are presented. The investigations of the residual stresses were performed by strain measurement with excision of templates and the optical method of speckle interferometry. Factual values of the components of the residual stresses in two zones of the blade with nonuniform stress fields were obtained
A. M. Lepikhin, V. V. Moskvichev, A. P. Chernyaev (Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk; Nauka Special Design and Technological Bureau, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk). Acoustic-Emission Monitoring of the Deformation and Fracture of Metal–Composite Pressure Vessels. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018. Vol. 59. No 3. P. 511-518. DOI: 10.1134/S0021894418030161. eLibrary ID: 35753666
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of damage accumulation in a metal–composite pressure vessel by pneumatic strength tests. The deformation and fracture of the composite structure accompanied by matrix cracking and fiber rupture are analyzed. It is shown that the cracks and fractures generate acoustic-emission signals of various types. The results of acoustic-emission monitoring were used to develop a criterion for ranking vessels according to the strength characteristics of the pressure composite shell.
P. V. Nikolenko, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. D. Chepur, A. E. Koshelev (National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow; GAZPROM Geotechnology, Moscow). Using the Kaiser Effect in Composites for Stressed Rock Mass Control. Journal of Mining Science. 2018. Vol. 54. No 1. P. 21-26. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118013282. eLibrary ID: 38632546
Stress memory in consolidating composites in acoustic emission is studied experimentally to understand feasibility of its application in stress state control in rock mass. The tests show that, owing to uniformity and comparatively high responsiveness of acoustic emission behavior under straining, composite materials, when placed in a geomedium, allow highly accurate identification of tensor of actual stresses in it.
E. A. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. G. Zaitsev (National University of Science and Technology, Moscow). Effect of Thermal Memory in Acoustic Emission in Fossil Coal after Pre-Disintegration by Cryogenic Treatment. Journal of Mining Science. 2018. Vol. 54. No 6. P. 883-892. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739118065023. eLibrary ID: 41683885
Acoustic emission response of fossil coals being at different stages of metamorphism to cyclic variation of effective thermal stresses is experimentally investigated. The equipment and procedure used in the experiments are described. The features of the response are revealed and analyzed in the samples of anthracite, lignite and bituminous coal with different damage extent governed by the preliminary cyclic freezing and thawing, as well as by water saturation. It is shown that the signature of such features is a thermal analog of the Felicity effect which appears in each cycle of temperature action. The regularities of this effect are found, and their physical explanation is given based on the analysis of defect formation in coals at different stages of thermal treatment. The methodical approaches are proposed and substantiated, which allow structural damage, thermal resistance, oxidation and proneness to frost weathering of coal to be estimated by the Felicity effect in the acoustic emission response of coal to cyclic thermal forces. Possibility of using the found features to predict structural changes in coal products which are in long-term storage under specific climatic conditions, as well as for forecasting risk of self-heating and spontaneous combustion of coal products is discussed.
E. A. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. G. Zaytsev, R. O. Oshkin (National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow Mining Institute (MGI), Moscow, Russia). Changes in properties and state of coal exposed to freeze-thaw weathering: evidence from thermally induced acoustic emission. Earth's Cryosphere. 2018. Vol. 22, No. 4. P. 68-74. DOI: 10.21782/EC2541-9994-2018-4(68-74). https://earthcryosphere.ru/archive/2018_4/eng_2018_4/08.Novikov_4_2018_eng.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 50203525 (full text)
Acoustic emission responses of water-saturated lignite and hard coal samples exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing have been studied as a function of the number of loading cycles, at different stages of freeze-thaw weathering, including prefailure. It is suggested to use an acoustic emission ratio to track the weathering history of coal and to assess the dependence of the weathering rate on pore water pH. The revealed acoustic emission patterns are applicable to predict the effect of weathering on the oxidation of coal which reduces its calorific value and poses risks of spontaneous combustion
Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.L., Zajtsev M.G., Epshtejn S.A. Method for determining the thermal resistance of coals to their cyclic freezing and thawing. Russian patent № 2644615 (2018). eLibrary ID: 39267813
Field: measuring equipment. Substance: invention relates to metrology, in particular to methods for determining the thermal stability of coals during their cyclic freezing and thawing. Essence: cyclical freezing and thawing of the same type of coal samples are performed at M number of cycles equal to the serial number of the corresponding sample in the series. Further, in parallel recording the parameters of acoustic emission, each of the samples is slowly uniformly heated to a temperature in the range of (80–90) ± 5 °C and held at it for at least 4 hours. Boundaries of successive time intervals are then determined, the first of which begins at the time of heating the sample to 30 °C and ends with stabilization of its temperature at a constant value, and the second – of the same duration, begins with an increase in the level of activity of acoustic emission to a value of not less than one and a half times higher than the background noise level. In each of these intervals, average values of acoustic emission activity are calculated. During the slow heating-up of the sample to the holdup temperature, the initially weak structural bonds are destroyed and the source of emission becomes weak, and when the critical stresses are formed in the sample under prolonged thermal loading, the remaining, initially strong bonds become sources of emission. Therefore, the coefficient K, equal to the ratio between the acoustic emission activity in the second and the first of the indicated time intervals, reflects the residual thermal stability of the coal after freezing and thawing. Value of the thermal stability of the coal with respect to cyclic freezing and thawing is defined as the dependence reduction point K(M), which shows the number of cycles after which there are practically no strong structural bonds in the coal under study. Effect: technical result: possibility of determining the thermal stability of coal during its cyclic freezing and thawing.
A. V. Patonin, N. M. Shikhova, A. V. Ponomarev, V. B. Smirnov (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia). A Modular System for Continuous Recording of Acoustic Emission for Laboratory Studies of Rock Destruction Processes. Seism. Instr. 55, 313–326 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0747923919030101
The MSR-AE-21 high-speed multichannel system for recording AE signals was developed, based on modern E20-10 four-channel 14-bit ADCs, produced by the Russian company LCard. The system is designed for continuous and synchronous recording of the acoustic emission (AE) stream from 21 piezoelectric sensors and is used as part of a laboratory hardware–software system for testing rocks under uniaxial and triaxial strain conditions. A digitization frequency of up to 7.5 MHz per channel makes it possible to analyze in detail AE signals with a frequency of up to 750 kHz. The 40 dB preamplifier block has a bandwidth from 1.5 to 750 kHz. Continuous recording over all channels during the entire test time makes it possible at the end of recording to search for and identify acoustic events in a wide dynamic range of amplitudes and energies with minimal loss/omission of individual AE events. The use of fast information processing algorithms makes it possible to recognize events in real time, detecting and discarding intervals with no signals and thereby reducing the total amount of information recorded in the database
Rastegaev I.A., Merson D.L., Danyuk A.V., Afanas’ev M.A., Khrustalev A.K. Universal Waveguide for the Acoustic-Emission Evaluation of High-Temperature Industrial Objects. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018. Vol. 54. No 3. P. 164-173. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830918030099. eLibrary ID: 35765141
An original waveguide design has been proposed that makes it possible to carry out acousticemission inspection, diagnostics, and monitoring of industrial objects operating at temperatures above 85°С. The waveguide ensures higher heat-dissipation characteristics, with minimum acoustic losses, than the known clamped-type waveguides. Its application involves no changes to the test object and requires no special permissions from supervising authorities. The underlying physical operating principles, specific features of embodiment, application possibilities, and results of the full cycle of research into how waveguide design features influence heat-dissipation and acoustic characteristics are described. The use of such waveguides widens the application field for the acoustic-emission method as an express technique for evaluating the technical condition of high-temperature objects both during operation and before decommissioning them for technical diagnostics with the aim to identify active (hazardous) areas and include them into the program of testing with other nondestructive methods.
Rastegaev I.A., Merson D.L., Danyuk A.V., Afanasev M.A., Khrustalev A.K. Universal waveguide of acoustic emission signals. Russian patent № 2665360 (2018). eLibrary ID: 37379495
Field: physics. Substance: invention relates to waveguides of acoustic emission signals (AE) intended for controlling and monitoring of hazardous production facilities or their elements at temperatures outside the permissible temperature range of application of the AE converter. Universal waveguide of acoustic emission signals with superimposed heat sink elements is characterized in that the heat dissipating device is collapsible and consists of several constituent elements that allow: to carry out its mounting/dismounting during the operation of the waveguide; reorient the device to a new monitoring object, temperature mode of operation, or other waveguide; ensure the compactness of transportation and storage, as well as manufacturability in manufacturing and maintainability during operation. Effect: technical result consists in the possibility of ensuring the compactness of transportation and storage, as well as manufacturability in the manufacture and maintainability during operation.
Chmykhalo A.I., Spiryagin V.V., Chelnokov A.V., Pankin D.A. Method for detecting leakage in a coupling tube heat exchanger. Russian patent № 2670222 (2018). eLibrary ID: 37361874
Field: defectoscopy. Substance: method refers to the field of nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics of shell-and-tube heat exchangers using acoustic emission, operated in contact with chemically hazardous or combustible substances, and can be used to detect leaks in the heat exchanger during the diagnosis process, as well as to optimize the process of locating leaks in the tube bundle. Essence of the method consists in removing the contents of the channels for the working fluid and the channels for the heat exchange product, introducing a detection product – a gas (for example, an inert gas or nitrogen) into the working fluid passages, introducing a neutralizing liquid, for example 1–2 % acetic acid solution, into the shell space, to control the height of its ascent by means of a calibration table until the entire intertube space is filled, maintenance of pressure in one of the channels is higher than in the other, the identification of leakage of the product of detection from one channel to another, if any, in the process of constant monitoring from the beginning of introduction of the neutralizing liquid by the detection means, for example, an acoustic emission system, by changing the acoustic emission signals accompanying the cavitation leakage of the detection product from the defective tube of the corresponding series, determined from the calibration table, into the neutralizing fluid of the annular space. Effect: creating a method that reduces the time of diagnosis, including detection of leakage, and optimizes the search for a series containing at least one defective tube of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger made with a plurality of tubes, without disassembling it, and at the same time ensure the safety of monitoring the technical condition of heat exchangers in working conditions in contact with chemically hazardous substances.
Kotlyarov A.Yu., Efremov V.V., Kutovoj S.S., Deev A.A., Zhegalov I.N. Method of accuracy and productivity increase of round grinding. Russian patent № 2621495 (2017). eLibrary ID: 38265403
Field: technological processes. Substance: method includes continuous monitoring of the abrasive wheel cutting ability when grinding on a cylindrical grinding machine using an acoustic emission (AE) sensor and automatic correction of the abrasive wheel with a change in its cutting ability. During the grinding process, the spectral distribution of the number of AE emissions and their peak amplitudes in the frequency spectrum range from 60 to 300 kHz is continuously monitored. Changes in these parameters reflect changes in the structure of macro- and microgeometric deviations of the abrasive wheel interacting surfaces and the details and processes of plastic deformation that develop in the course of reducing the cutting ability of the abrasive wheel. In this case, the automatic correction of the abrasive wheel is carried out by means of its electroerosive dressing by changing the voltage of the electric pulse generator power source supplied to the abrasive wheel in the range of 25…40 V and pulse frequencies in the range of 1…22 kHz. Effect: increased accuracy and productivity of the grinding process.
Matyunin V.M., Marchenkov A.Y., Stasenko N.A. (National Research University MPEI, Moscow). Specific Energy of Elastoplastic Deformation Required for Crack Formation at Indentation of Hardening Coatings. Inorg Mater 54, 1566–1569 (2018). DOI: 10.1134/S002016851815013X
Abstract Known methods for assessing the crack resistance of very hard or strengthened surface layers of materials by using a pyramid indenter are intended for the cases of the formation of radial cracks around the indent. However, at indentation of a pyramid into some types of hardening coatings, for example, made of titanium nitride, annular rather than radial cracks are formed around the indent. For this case of crack formation, we proposed to use the kinetic diagram of indentation for determination of the specific energy of elastoplastic deformation that is needed for the formation of the first visible crack. This energy can be used to compare the ability of the coating to resist crack formation of any kind
E. A. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, R. O. Oshkin, M. G. Zaitsev (National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow). Effect of the stress-strain state of sandy-clay soils on their thermally stimulated acoustic emission Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2017. Vol. 54, No. 2. P. 81-86. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11204-017-9438-4 DOI: 10.1007/s11204-017-9438-4. eLibrary ID: 41873827
The thermally stimulated acoustic emission of samples of sandy-clay soils under a mechanical load was studied experimentally. The characteristics of the acoustic emission upon freezing and thawing of soils as a function of their content of clay and sandy particles as well as the magnitude of the load were determined. It was shown that different stages of the stress-strain state of soils can be identified according to the thermally stimulated acoustic emission parameters. A numerical thermo-acousto-emission criterion for evaluating the rupture rate of structural bonds in frozen soils upon their warming and the change of the stress state was developed
Permyakov V.N., Makhutov N.A., Sidelnikov S.N. Combined method of strain and stress research. Russian patent № 2611597 (2017). eLibrary ID: 38259710
Field: oil and gas industry. Substance: invention relates to a technology for studying strains and stresses in constructions of hazardous production facilities of gas and petrochemical industry. ESSENCE: a brittle strain-sensitive porous coating with freon is applied to the detail surface, coating curing and structure loading are carried out, and the freon gas release zone from the porous coating (bubbles are bursting) and the direction of plastic stress during deformation using acoustic emission sensors are determined. The brittle strain-sensitive coating is made of a mixture containing epoxy resin, a hardener probe, gas freon R-22 in the following ratio, wt %: 65-84 epoxy resin, a hardener 14-33 probe, gas freon R-22 2-10. Effect: invention enables to determine the stresses and strains using brittle coatings at the very early stage, eliminating negative effect on the environment.
V. R. Skal’s’kyi, Z. Т. Nazarchuk, I. Ya. Dolins’ka, R. Ya. Yarema, T. V. Selivonchyk (Karpenko Physicomechanical Institute, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences; Joint-Stock Company “Lviv Locomotive-Repair Plant”; Luts’k National Technical University). Acoustic-Emission Diagnostics of Corrosion Defects in Materials (a Survey). Part. 2. Corrosion Cracking of Metals. Applied Aspects of Application of the Method. Mater Sci 53, 431–443 (2018). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11003-018-0092-4 DOI: 10.1007/s11003-018-0092-4
We analyze the results of investigations of the acoustic-emission diagnostics of corrosion defects in materials and establish the relationship between the total count, energy, amplitude of acoustic radiation and the corrosion cracking of steels and metal alloys. Examples of application of the acoustic-emission method to detection of corrosion defects of a series of industrial objects are presented
V. L. Shkuratnik, P. V. Nikolenko, A. E. Koshelev (Academician Melnikov Institute of Integrated Mineral Resources Development—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Gazprom geotekhnologii, Moscow). Spectral Characteristics of Acoustic Emission in Loaded Coal Specimens for Failure Prediction. Journal of Mining Science. 2017. Vol. 53, No. 5. P. 818-823. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739117052825. eLibrary ID: 35752298
Сhanges in acoustic emission spectra of coal samples from the Kuznetsk and Pechora Basins are experimentally studied in uniaxial and triaxial (Karman-type) compression tests. It is shown that the acoustic emission spectral patterns change considerably at the pre-failure stage in the samples under uniaxial compression: the amplitudes of low-frequency components grow while those of high frequencies reduce. Under the Karman-type compression, the amplitudes of low-frequency signals grow while the high-frequency amplitudes do not change much, because lateral hydrostatic pressure impedes opening of vertical fractures
Skalsky V.R., Pochapsky Y.P., Klym B.P., Simakovych O.H., Tolopko Y.D., Velyky P.P., Dolishniy P.M. (Karpenko Physical and Mechanical Institute, NAS of Ukraine). Diagnostic system of wireless acoustic emission signal transfer for monitoring the oil-and-gas facilities. Science and Innovation. 2016. Vol. 12. No 1. P. 13-21. DOI: 10.15407/scine12.01.013. eLibrary ID: 45321507
A. E. Burov, A. M. Lepikhin. Numerical simulation of carrying capacity of the high-pressure metal composite vessel. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016. Vol. 45. No 5. P. 443-450. DOI: 10.3103/S1052618816050071. eLibrary ID: 27579867
This paper considers the issue of the numerical simulation of stress–strain state and the destruction of the composite vessel with a metal liner under gradually increasing pressure. The provided solution algorithm is based on the continuum of damage mechanics simulation that relates to the initiation of damage and the accumulation and degradation of the mechanical properties of material. The calculation results are compared with the actual experiment data.
Novikov E.A., Oshkin R.O. Method for determining the number of unfrozen water content in frozen soil. Russian patent № 2580316 (2016). eLibrary ID: 37389895
Field: drilling of soil or rock. Substance: invention can be used in the design of buildings and structures to determine the amount of unfrozen water in frozen soils. To do this, carry out drilling with coring, thawed frozen soil sample is obtained and determine the total water content of continuous change in the course of an informative indicator of thawing. As an informative indicator of the ratio of use of acoustic emission activity of the monitored area to the array of acoustic emission activity of the most water-saturated area of the core is completely thawed; both figures take into account the specific weight of the soil and averages, consistent and comparable for the duration of the time intervals to determine the distribution of the total moisture content in depth. Registration of acoustic emission is carried out by converters to be placed on the depth of the hole array. Amount of unfrozen water in different parts of the array is calculated from the product of said index and informative total moisture content of the cores obtained at the same depth and in the same well as the corresponding value of the indicator. Effect: invention provides a method of control of the geological environment.
Gorbachev O.V., Samokhvalov S.Ya., Artyukhov D.I. Fibre optic acoustic-emission method for determining plastic deformations of large engineering structures. Russian patent №2650799 (2018). eLibrary ID: 41030368 (full text)
Field: physics. Substance: signal of acoustic emission (AE) is generated by a brittle hardening glue, and is recorded using a multimode fibre optic distributed sensor. The glue is applied to an optical fibre, which serves as a distributed sensing element (DSE), when it is mounted on an engineering structure. After hardening, the glue becomes brittle and not only fixes optical fibre on the object, but also generates the AE signal when it is cracking, in case of plastic deformation of the controlled object (engineering structure). This method has a very high sensitivity, since the AE signal appears in the immediate vicinity of the sensor (DSE). Therefore, an acoustic-emission wave, which is practically not weakened, is almost completely transformed into an optical wave, and then into an electrical signal. The distributed sensor (DSE) glued to the engineering structure registers any plastic deformation, which leads to cracking of the brittle layer - hardened glue applied directly to fibre optics, for its entire length. Effect: increasing the sensitivity while reducing hardware costs, expanding the frequency spectrum of recorded signals, the ability to detect areas at an early stage, on which the destruction of the controlled object can occur, the ability to continuous remote monitoring
Yu. G. Matvienko, , I. E. Vasil’ev, A. V. Pankov, M. A. Trusevich (Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Zhukovskii Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute, Zhukovskii). Early Diagnostics of Damage and Fracture Zones in Composite Materials Using Brittle Strain Gauges and Acoustic Emission. Inorg Mater 53, 1484–1495 (2017). DOI: 10.1134/S0020168517150109
The integrated use of the acoustic emission technique and brittle oxide strain gauges for testing the deformation of damage and fracture zones in samples of polymer composite materials (PCM) at the early phases is considered. For the realization of the proposed technique, integrated parameters were used and software including the cluster analysis and the classification of registered AE pulses was developed, which made it possible to differentiate crack formation signals in the brittle layer of a strain gauge from all the other signals that occur at the early phase of the deformation of PCM samples in the online mode. The use of acoustic emission testing and control video recording for the registration of cracks in a brittle oxide strain gauge with the threshold deformation value of 1000 μm/m provided the precise diagnostics of the forthcoming fracture zone in a sample at the early loading phase under the load level of 10–15% of the limiting one long before the beginning of the active PCM structural degradation phase and made it possible to determine the distribution fields of the highest main deformations in the region of a strain gauge and to perform their quantitative evaluation
Novikov E.A., Oshkin R.O., Shkuratnik V.L., Epshtejn S.A. Method of determining thermal resistance of coals. Russian patent № 2593441 (2016). eLibrary ID: 37406896
Field: metrology. Substance: invention relates to metrology, particularly to means of measuring heat resistance of coals. Method involves applying two successive thermal shocks on coal sample, wherein second shock has higher intensity than the first one, and recording parameters of acoustic emission. Orientation of sample relative to heating source is constant. Recording of parameters of acoustic emission is performed at heating stages, and at the stages of cooling the sample after each of the thermal shocks. Determining the boundaries of time intervals corresponding to regions of peak values of acoustic emission, when its level is not less than one and half times higher than the level of background noise. In each of these intervals average values of acoustic emission activity are calculated. Acoustic emission activity level during the second thermal shock action, which is rendered to sample not containing moisture, indicates the number of damaged structural links, and the same parameter, but during further cooling, indicates the number of the preserved structural links, changing of stressed state to initial state. Then in relation to values of average acoustic emission activity during heating and cooling the coefficient of thermal resistance geomaterial is calculated. Effect: technical result is improvement of reliability and accuracy of measurements.
I. A. Rastegaev, A. V. Danyuk, D. L. Merson, A. Yu. Vinogradov (Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti). Universal Educational and Research Facility for the Study of the Processes of Generation and Propagation of Acoustic Emission Waves. Inorg Mater 53, 1548–1554 (2017). DOI: 10.1134/S0020168517150158
The design and the algorithm for the use of an approved universal educational and research facility is described. The facility is designed to simulate a wide range of model controlled objects (vessels, pipelines, tube furnaces, reservoirs, etc.) and the main acoustic emission (AE) sources: cracks, leaks, corrosion damage, sites damaged by an aggressive medium, etc. The AE simulators installed at the facility are equipped with waveguides to provide the acoustic connection and protect the main elements of the facility in case of fracture of the simulators. The AE simulators are controlled using a loading device to preset the fracture initiation point and the simulator fracture rate. The facility is designed so as to provide low-cost repeated simulation of diverse situations that occur during the operation and examination of dangerous industrial objects. The facility can be used for research, education, and certification of personnel, techniques, and AE hardware; thus, it is useful for nondestructive testing laboratories
G. A. Sobolev, A. V. Ponomarev, Y. Y. Maibuk (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences). Initiation of unstable slips–microearthquakes by elastic impulses. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2016. Vol. 52. No 5. P. 674-691. DOI: 10.1134/S106935131605013X. eLibrary ID: 27576219
A series of laboratory experiments have been carried out with a model of two granite blocks under biaxial compression loading. The experiments are mainly intended for assessing the possibilities of partially releasing the accumulated potential energy. The model was subjected to calibrated mechanical impacts (strokes) which induced elastic impulses. The mechanical stresses, strains, and acoustic emission were recorded. The strokes caused both large slips releasing the stresses down to their initial level and small slips which reduced the stresses by 5–8%. The small slips mostly occurred after the precursory emergence of the low frequency oscillations having low amplitudes. Before the large slips, the stages of speeding-up of the relative motion of the sides of the block contact was observed, similar to those emerging before the natural slips unrelated to the strokes. This feature was not universal: in some cases, the model recovered to the stationary state of the block contact without a large slip. All the slips occurred with a time delay after the stroke. The time delay was shorter when the energy of the blow was higher. With the shorter time delays, the small slip is more likely to occur. The energy of the impacts was by three orders of magnitude lower than the energy accumulated by the model, which points to the triggering mechanism of slip initiation. The series of strokes resulting in the small displacements partially reduced the accumulated energy and prevented the emergence of large motions such as the stick-slip events. If after a series of such blows a large sliding event still occurred, its energy was higher than in the slips unrelated to the impacts. The experiments revealed the difficulties in solving the problem of earthquake hazard reduction by elastic impacts.
S. S. Kholodov, M. V. Grigor’ev, N. A. Shchipakov, N. O. Yakovlev, A. N. Lutsenko (Scientific-Educational Center Welding and Control, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow; All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow). Acoustic emission monitoring of damaging of fiberglass. Polym. Sci. Ser. D 9, 411–414 (2016). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1995421216040079 DOI: 10.1134/S1995421216040079
The results of studies on determining the nucleation moment of microcracks in fiberglass are presented on the basis of a full-strength glassfiber mat and vinyl ether binder by the acoustic emission method in uniaxial tension. The research was carried out by continuous monotonic loading of samples under uniaxial tension until failure with simultaneous recording of the parameters of acoustic emission signal. Qualitative dependences of the parameters of acoustic emission signals on the stress value in the sample are revealed. It is found that, at a stress value of about 40% of the ultimate strength of material (about 420 MPa), microfracture processes—cracking of the polymer matrix—begin
V. V. Makarov, A. M. Golosov, L. S. Ksendzenko, N. A. Opanasiuk (Far Eastern Federal University). The mechanism of reversible deformation phenomena in highly stressed rock samples conditions. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2015. No 3(24). P. 116-126. https://www.dvfu.ru/upload/medialibrary/bc9/2015-3-13.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 24213533 (full text)
For the first time, attention to the reversible character of linear deformations of rocks was drawn, in all probability, by T.R. Seldenrath and J. Gramberg in 1958. While searching for precursors of deformations, the reversible deformations were determined also by I.S. Tomashevskaya and Ya.N. Khamidullin (1972), who advanced the dilatancy hypothesis. In 1986, K. Tazhibaev pointed to residual stresses as the causes of the reversible deformations. However, as M.A. Guzev and V.M. Makarov stated in 2005, none of the hypotheses can explain the occurring abnormalities in a conclusive way. The present article deals with the reversible deformations investigated by a complex acoustic and deformation method, whereas the results are presented from the position of the self-balanced stresses.
Makarov V.V., Ksendzenko L.S., Golosov A.M., Opanasiuk N.A. (Far Eastern Federal University). About the mechanism of a high stressed rock samples reversible deformation phenomena. Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень (научно-технический журнал). 2015. № S3. Pp. 3-15. eLibrary ID: 24843466 (full text)
Attention to the reversible character of linear deformations of rock samples was presented, apparently, for the first time in (Seldenrath & Gramberg 1958). The authors did not research the mechanisms of the origination of the deformation anomalies, but already in subsequent works such attempts have begun to be undertaken. So the reversible character of the deformations of rocks was contacted with a barrel-shaped straining of samples at uniaxial compression (Tomashevskaya & Khamidullin 1972). In the works of other researchers, residual stresses were proposed in the capacity of reasons for deformation anomalies of various types (Tazhibaev 1986). However, these hypotheses are not supported by critics on closer examination (Guzev & Makarov 2007). In this paper, based on specially developed complex research methods, including on deformation, acoustical and mathematical methods, the authors analyse deformation anomalies of reversible types in samples of rocks at uniaxial compression, define the mechanism of their origin, and develop a mathematical model of the phenomenon.
G. A. Bigus, A. A. Travkin (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow; Research and Education Center on Welding and Testing, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow). An evaluation of the flaw-detection characteristics for the detection of fatigue cracks by the acoustic-emission method in samples made of steel 20 that have a cast structure. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2015. Vol. 51. No 1. P. 32-38. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830915010027. eLibrary ID: 23994180
The results of experimental studies on the behavior of fatigue damage in the course of cyclic and static tests using the acoustic-emission method are presented. When performing research works, samples with a stress concentrator that has a steel 20 cast structure were exposed to cyclic loading. The process of the fatigue crack propagation was recorded by two acoustic emission transducers. The composition of the wave packet of the acoustic-emission signal generated by the crack growth was determined and changes in its spectral characteristics were recorded. The samples with fatigue damage were subjected to static tests. The flaw-detection characteristics for the detection of a fatigue crack during static tests were given. A fractographic analysis of the fractures that established the connection with the acoustic-emission data was carried out.
Boreiko D.A., Bykov I.Y., Smirnov A.L. (Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta; OOO ExpertStroy, Ukhta). The sensitivity of the acoustic-emission method during the detection of flaws in pipes. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2015. V. 51. № 8. Pp. 476-485. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830915080021. eLibrary ID: 24962336
A method for determining the sensitivity of acoustic-emission inspection during the detection of flaws of different sizes is presented. According to the method, the sensitivity is determined as the detection probability of through holes of a certain size during the axial compression of 09Γ2C steel cylindrical pipes. The obtained sensitivity of the acoustic-emission method is compared with the wellknown data on the sensitivity of the ultrasonic, capillary, and radiographic nondestructive-testing methods.
A. S. Voznesensky, Y. O. Kutkin, M. N. Krasilov. Interrelation of the acoustic Q-factor and strength in limestone. Journal of Mining Science. 2015. Vol. 51. No 1. P. 23-30. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739115010044. eLibrary ID: 24939561
Under analysis is the experimental testing of interrelation between the limit of strength and the acoustic Q-factor in terms of Kasimov deposit limestone. The limit of strength is found using two procedures, namely, direct method and interpolation, which are compared. The authors illustrate the advantage of the acoustic Q-factor procedure in assessment of damage and residual strength of rocks as against the method of elastic wave velocities. The resultant relations can be used in assessment of residual strength and remaining life of pillars and roofs in underground excavations.
Nikolenko P.V., Kormnov A.A., Shkuratnik V.L. Method of study of stressed state of rocks mass. Russian patent № 2557287 (2015). eLibrary ID: 37434837
Field: instrumentation. Substance: invention relates to mining and is intended to determine direction of maximum stress in structural elements of the development systems relatively to the drilled test wells. Method includes installation in the vertical well of the rod acoustic line, on which rigidly the contacting with well walls ring is installed, and registration of the acoustic emission (AE) at the acoustic line end projecting from the well. In mass in same horizontal plane with the test well and parallel to it additionally at least three wells are drilled, in each well the acoustic line with ring similar to the located in the first well are installed. All rings are made out of lamellar composite material with anisotropic structure in the ring plane, and orientation angle of the ring layers in each next well is increased by 15° relatively to the previous. As per AE signals registered at each acoustic line the corresponding relationships of total count vs. Time are determined, the acoustic line with total count of AE drop with time is determined. According to the direction of layers in the ring in this acoustic line the direction of maximum stress occurred in the mass in plane of the orthogonal axis of the measuring well is determined. Effect: assurance of the possibility of determination of the maximum stress acting orthogonally to the measuring well.
Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.L. Method of determining stress in rock mass. Russian patent № 2557288 (2015). eLibrary ID: 37434838
Field: mining operations. Substance: invention relates to mining operations and can be used to determine the stresses in the rock mass. The method in which the samples are recovered from the mass in the direction coinciding with the direction of the maximum main stress present in it. They are exposed to volumetric heating from 20 to 570°C, then they are left for cooling to a temperature of 140-150°C, the activity of acoustic emission is recorded simultaneously. The ratio of the amplitudes enveloping the acoustic emission activity is determined, occurring during cooling and heating, according to which the reaching by the stress at the test sites of the mass of the load level is determined, equal to or greater than 0.9 times the compressive strength of the rock, representing the transition of the latter to the stage of pre-destruction. Effect: determining the fact of exceeding by the value of the maximum main stress of the critical level equal to or greater than 0,9 times the compressive strength σcom that indicates the transition of the rock to the stage of pre-destruction.
Steblev Y.I., Susarev S.V. Bykov D.E. The Principles of Designing Automated Systems for Diagnostic Monitoring of the Engineering Structures of Hazardous Production Objects. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2015. V. 51. № 4. Pp. 185-197. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830915040063. eLibrary ID: 23985153
This article considers the basic principles of designing systems for monitoring engineering structures (SMESs) of hazardous production facilities, which have been formed based on the implementation of engineering designs of the SMESs of a number of large industrial oil-refining facilities. The proposed principles for designing SMESs as complex information diagnostic systems are based on strict logical structuring of huge volumes of information on monitoring objects: design documentation for the object itself and the automated process control system (APCS), safety and metrological provision requirements, and normative and technical documentation. It is shown that the basic stages and principles of SMES design can be formalized and logically described using the instrument of structural schemes.
V. L. Shkuratnik, E. A. Novikov. Influence of the mechanical loading of rock salt on the parameters of thermoacoustic emission. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2015. Vol. 56. No 3. P. 486-493. DOI: 10.1134/S0021894415030190. eLibrary ID: 24941864
This paper presents the results of experimental studies of acoustic emission occurring in rock-salt samples due to their local and volumetric heating under static mechanical loading preceding heating or occurring simultaneously with it. Thermoacoustic emission (TAE) parameters in rock salt depending on its structural heterogeneity were determined. Patterns of change in the TAE activity in test samples of the geomaterial under volumetric heating and subsequent cooling for different values of mechanical preloading were established. The established patterns can be used to predict the fracture of solid rock salt from results of measurement of a TAE in an extracted core.
Alma Hodzic, Robert Shanks (eds.) Natural fibre composites Materials, processes and properties. Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering: Number 47. Woodhead. 2014. 408 pp. ISBN 978-0-85709-524-4
The use of natural fibres as reinforcements in composites has grown in importance in recent years. Natural Fibre Composites summarises the wealth of significant recent research in this area. Chapters in part one introduce and explore the structure, properties, processing, and applications of natural fibre reinforcements, including those made from wood and cellulosic fibres. Part two describes and illustrates the processing of natural fibre composites. Chapters discuss ethical practices in the processing of green composites, manufacturing methods and compression and injection molding techniques for natural fibre composites, and thermoset matrix natural fibre-reinforced composites. Part three highlights and interprets the testing and properties of natural fibre composites including, non-destructive and high strain rate testing. The performance of natural fibre composites is examined under dynamic loading, the response of natural fibre composites to impact damage is appraised, and the response of natural fibre composites in a marine environment is assessed. Natural Fibre Composites is a technical guide for professionals requiring an understanding of natural fibre composite materials. It offers reviews, applications and evaluations of the subject for researchers and engineers
V.V. Makarov, A.M. Golosov, N.A. Opanasiuk, A.S. Gunko (Far-Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia). Laboratory studies of the mechanisms preparation of brittle rock samples failure. Transit Development in Rock Mechanics. Proceedings of the 3rd ISRM Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Xi’an, China, 8–10 November 2014. ISBN 978-1-138-02730-5
Studies of brittle rock samples failure were carried out in Laboratory of Geodynamics of Far-Eastern University, Vladivostok, Russia. It was assisted by servocontrol loading machine MTS-816, acoustic emission complex and multi-channel complex. Regularities of formation and development of dissipative mesodefects structures in rock samples under uniaxial compression were determined as a result of complex deformation and acoustic experiments at final stage of loading. Study of acoustic emission in rock samples under at final stage of loading were carried out with the release of the source forming stage and its preparation. Anomalous deformations of high stressed rock samples were associated with failure source forming stages defined by the acoustic method. System of reliable precursors of failure involving long-term, medium-term and short-term precursors was established. This system of precursors reflects the stages of formation and development of dissipative mesodefects structures in high stressed rock samples
S. I. Builo, D. M. Kuznetsov, V. L. Gaponov (Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don; Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don; Power Engineering and Machine-Building Institute, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don). Acoustic emission testing of capillary liquid flows in porous media. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2014. Vol. 50. No 7. P. 392-395. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830914070031. eLibrary ID: 24002169
A time history of the parameters of acoustic emissions (Aes) in the process of a capillary liquid flowing in a porous medium is considered. The application of exponentially damping process to the impregnation processes is experimentally established. A method for testing the impregnation depth and completeness of materials based on AE measurement data is proposed.
Gornostaev A.I., Deev A.A., Tishin A.A. Method of tribosystem burn-in. Russian patent № 2516345 (2014). eLibrary ID: 37798395
Field: testing equipment. Substance: invention relates to methods of tribotechnical tests, in particular, to burn-in investigations. Substance: tribosystem is lubricated, friction is carried out, and it is loaded by a stepped external load to achievement of maximum loading capacity. The range of tribosystem loading is controlled by parameters of discrete and continuous acoustic emission in a certain range of frequencies, reflecting frequency and nature of capturing moments, and also variation of structural characteristics of friction surfaces in process of their burn-in. The main information parameters of the acoustic-emission signal are spectral density, amount of emissions and signal amplitude. Effect: improved quality of tribosystem burn-in, increased accuracy and efficiency of feedback for maintenance of specified friction mode in process of burn-in.
R. A. Lementueva, N. Y. Bubnova, A. V. Treusov (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences). Dynamical features of fracture formation. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2014. Vol. 50. No 1. P. 32-37. DOI: 10.1134/S1069351313060098. eLibrary ID: 21862378
We analyze the results of a series of experiments on studying the dynamical pattern of fracture growth. The failure of the rocks under long loading with the use of nonexplosive demolition agent (NDA) is studied. Due to the long (about 2 days) loading, the experiment closely reproduces the natural conditions. It is shown that a single center of failure is absent. The coordinates of the sources of acoustic emission are calculated. The failure zone where the fracture is formed is identified. The combined analysis of the migration of strong acoustic events (Acmax) with the determination of their coordinates together with the deformation observations provide an insight into the kinetics of evolution of the source zone.
Makhutov N.A., Permjakov V.N., Aleksandrov P.A., Ivanov V.I., Novoselov V.V., Vasil’ev I.E., Spasibov V.M. Method of analysing strains and stresses in fragile strain indicators. Russian patent № 2505780 (2014). eLibrary ID: 37440543
Field: instrumentation. Substance: sound emission measurements of signals indicating fracture formation in fragile strained coat. Note here that additionally measured is the concentration of aerosol concentration in near-surface layer of fragile strained coat. At stress variation rate of up to 0.1 kN/s with allowance for 30 second correction for recording delay, oxide film and substrate destruction is revealed. Effect: limiting state is diagnosed, early warning of structure destruction under bench and natural test conditions.
Makhutov N.A., Permjakov V.N., Aleksandrov P.A., Ivanov V.I., Novoselov V.V. Method of recording fractures in fragile strain indicators. Russian patent № 2505779 (2014). eLibrary ID: 37440542
Field: instrumentation. Substance: sound emission measurements of signals indicating fracture formation in fragile strained coat with additional measurement of aerosol concentration in near-surface layer of fragile stained coat are carried out. Concentration of micro particles depending on oxide film depth is defined by the formula: Ω=Kδ·lg(δ/δ10), where δ10 is oxide film minimum depth arbitrary taken to make 10 mcm; Kδ is the factor defined by strain indicator film depth and determined by experiments. Effect: possibility to record structural material reconfiguration long before destruction.
Shkuratnik V.L., Nikolenko P.V., Tsarikov A.Ju. Method of determining change of stress state of rock mass in vicinity of working. Russian patent №2532817 (2014). eLibrary ID: 37455110
Field: mining. Substance: invention relates to mining and is designed to determine the change in the stress state of the rock mass. The method comprises placement in the well of the hollow cylindrical acoustic line, receiving and analysis of parameters of ultrasonic signals propagating in it by means of the acoustic emission transducers mounted on its end surfaces. Preliminarily on the acoustic line coaxially with it and at some distance from each other at least two rings of textolite are fixed, which inner diameter coincides with the diameter of the acoustic line, and the outer – with the well diameter. Deformation of the well due to the shift of the reference pressure zone, results in deformation of the respective textolite rings and, respectively, the growth of acoustic-emission activity in these discs. The difference in time of arrival to the receiving transducers of those acoustic emission signals is measured, the amplitude of which is maximum of all incoming signals, and the depth of the zone of the reference pressure and its change in time is judged by the above mentioned time difference, the known length of the acoustic line and the measured rate of propagation of ultrasound in it. Effect: increase in duration of the definition of changes in the stress state of rock mass in the vicinity of working during continuous monitoring acoustic-emission measurements of movement deeper into the solid mass of the zone of reference pressure.
A. M. Golosov, V. V. Makarov (School of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University). The system of reliable deformational precursors of highly stressed rock samples failure. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2013. No 4(17). P. 90-102. https://www.dvfu.ru/upload/medialibrary/d7f/2013-4-13.pdf (полный текст). eLibrary ID: 21329470 (full text)
Phenomena of anomalous deformation of rocks compressed up to failure have been studied in the laboratory on rock samples. A system of reliable deformational precursors of the failure stage has been developed. The system includes long-term, middle-term and short-term precursors. The threshold of dilatancy and the turning point of deformational curve are recognized as long-term precursor. The middle-term precursor is determined as a point of the increment sign change of the specific volume deformation. The short-term precursor is characterized by the specific volume deformation increments jump. The acoustic emission research method had been used to control the deformational and failure process. There was a tight correlation between the deformational precursors system of failure and the mesocracking process under the loading. Mathematical model of self equilibrium stresses had been successfully used to describe the anomalous deformations distribution.
Botvina L.R., Levin V.P., Tyutin M.R., Zharkova N.A., Dobatkin S.V., Morozov A.V., Ozerskii O.N. Wear mechanisms of structural steels and effect of wear on their mechanical and acoustic properties during tension. Journal of Friction and Wear. 2013. Vol. 34. No 1. P. 6-13. DOI: 10.3103/S1068366613010030. eLibrary ID: 20432676
Optical and scanning electron microscopy have been used to study the wear mechanisms of structural steels with various structures and strengths, as well as to assess their mechanical and acoustic properties after friction. The prevailing wear mechanisms have been revealed; they are governed by the strength and structure of the steels and involve the refinement and rotation of grains, the formation of parallel rows of microcracks, the strain dissolution of cementite, and martensitic transformation, as well as the formation of seizure sites in the friction contact zone, shear and intergranular pores, and microcracks. The low-carbon steel with a ultrafine-grained structure has demonstrated a high wear resistance. Friction for 3000 h had a weak effect on the mechanical properties of the steels during tension.
S. I. Builo, P. G. Ivanochkin, N. A. Myasnikova (Vorovich Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Southern Federal University; Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don; Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don). Diagnostics of critical points of the friction coefficient of a multilayer nanomodified antifriction coating by an acoustic emission technique. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2013. Vol. 49. No 6. P. 318-322. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830913060028. eLibrary ID: 21878765
The dynamics of the changing parameter of the acoustic emission (AE) in the course of tests of a multilayer nanomodified antifriction coating are considered. The results of investigating the shape and the spectra of AE pulses in different regions of the experimental curve of the dependence of the friction coefficient on the test time are reported. A method is proposed for establishing the transition points from the steady-state stage to the failure and friction-without-coating stages according to the intensity of the restored AE event stream, the spectral distribution, and the amplitude of the concurrent acoustic emission in the ultrasonic-frequency range.
Makhutov N.A., Fomin A.V., Ivanov V.I., Permyakov V.N., Vasil’ev I.E. Integrated diagnostics of limit states and early warning of emergency conditions of structures. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2013. Vol. 42. No 2. P. 109-113. DOI: 10.3103/S105261881302009X. eLibrary ID: 26912438
The new nondestructive testing technique for diagnostics of limit states and early warning of structural failure possibilities based on using oxide strain indicators and an acoustic emission system is presented. Refinement of the technique was carried out by tensile testing of samples made of B95 alloy.
Permjakov V.N., Chijanov E.V., Grebnev A.N., Sidel'nikov S.N. Deformation and stress analysis method. Russian patent №2492463 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37516001
Field: electricity. Substance: brittle strain-sensitive coating is deposited on the surface of an article; the coating is hardened; the article is loaded and the area and direction of plastic deformations are determined from the formed cracks using acoustic emission sensors. The brittle strain-sensitive coating used is a caramel-based coating made from a mixture containing water and sugar, with the following ratio of components, wt %: water 65-75, sugar 25-35. Effect: enabling determination of stress and deformation using brittle coatings, eliminating harmful effect on the environment.
V. L. Shkuratnik, P. V. Nikolenko. Using acoustic emission memory of composites in critical stress control in rock masses. Journal of Mining Science. 2013. Vol. 49. No 4. P. 544-549. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739149040035. eLibrary ID: 21903074
The regular patterns of initiation and show of acoustic emission memory effect in a composite are experimentally obtained from tests on cloth laminate. The authors illustrate the capacity of cloth laminate as an absolute sensitive stress-to-acoustic emission converter. The designed and tested in-hole sensor enclosing this converter indicates when incremental stress surpasses a pre-assigned critical limit.
Shkuratnik V.L., Nikolenko P.V., Korchak A.V. Method to determine variation of stressed condition of rock massif. Russian patent № 2485314 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37512080
Field: mining. Substance: method includes installation of a cylindrical acoustic line in a well, reception and analysis of parameters of ultrasonic signals that spread in it. Previously on the acoustic line coaxially with it and at a certain distance from each other, at least two textolite rings are fixed, the inner diameter of which matches the diameter of the acoustic line, and the outer one – the well diameter. Each of them is exposed to individual level of mechanical loading in identical direction matching the diameter. At the same time the acoustic line is placed in the well so that this direction matches the direction of maximum primary stress in the massif. Variation of stressed condition is seen by spasmodic increase of growth steepness of total count of ultrasonic signals of acoustic emission arising in textolite rings received from the acoustic line. Effect: provision of high sensitivity and production of quantitative estimates when determining variation of stressed condition of rock massif.
Shkuratnik V.L., Nikolenko P.V., Ruban A.D., Kormnov A.A. Method to determine stresses in rock massif. Russian patent № 2478785 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37508575
Field: mining. Substance: method is based on using an acoustic emission memory effect in composite materials. A measurement device is formed by means of installation of two packets in a measurement well, between which epoxide resin is injected with a hardener and a filler of quartz sand. After resin hardening and completion of massif recovery deformations, the device is drilled with a circular slot, removed from the massif and cut into even discs. Produced discs are tested at press equipment under conditions of uniaxial compression with simultaneous registration of total count of impulses of acoustic emission, besides, each subsequent disc is turned by a fixed angle. As a result of tests the dependence is identified with maximum increase of acoustic emission count speed steepness as a certain level of test load is achieved, and on the basis of this level the maximum stress available in the massif is identified, and on the basis of the disc rotation angle the azimuthal angle of the specified stress action is determined. Effect: higher accuracy and reduced labour intensiveness of detection of value and direction of maximum stress in a massif, acting in plane of orthogonal axis of a measurement well.
Shkuratnik V.L., Novikov E.A. Method of controlling quality of materials by acoustic emission. Russian patent № 2478947 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37508636
Field: physics. Substance: loading is carried out and signals arising from acoustic emission are detected, from which presence of crack-like defects is determined, wherein the material is loaded by heating in a temperature range from 30°C to 200°C; the activity envelope of resultant acoustic emission signals is selected and presence of crack-like defects is determined from the presence of extremum values of said envelope of not less than one and a half times greater than the value of the envelope at boundaries of said temperature range. Effect: high reliability and easier detection of crack-like defects in rocky geomaterials.
Shkuratnik V.L., Novikov E.A. Method of inspecting quality of sample material by acoustic emission. Russian patent № 2494389 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37517032
Field: physics. Substance: sample is subjected to thermal action with rising temperature and resultant acoustic emission signals in the sample are detected, wherein the thermal action is applied to a series of same-type samples made from the same material to temperature of 90°C and for each sample, the average value of acoustic emission activity in the 30-90°C range is determined; each of the series of samples is subjected to monoaxial mechanical loading, results of which are used to determine its ultimate compression strength; a calibration curve is plotted, which describes the relationship between the average acoustic emission activity and the ultimate compression strength of the material for the entire series of test samples, from which strength of the material of retested samples of the same type is determined from their average thermoacoustic emission activity in the range from 30°C to 90°C. Effect: enabling determination of the ultimate strength of hard rock samples without destruction thereof.
Shkuratnik V.L., Novikov E.A., Kormnov A.A. Acoustic emission method of controlling quality of materials on samples. Russian patent № 2492464 (2013). eLibrary ID: 37516002
Field: physics. Substance: mechanical stress is generated by heating a local region of a sample lying equidistant from its top and bottom end surfaces and parallel thereto to 90°C; acoustic emission signals propagating from the heated local region are received at each of said surfaces; curves of total count of said signals versus time are plotted, on which values corresponding to the time when the rise of said curves stops are selected, and the ratio of least value to the greatest value is used to determine presence of crack defects and location thereof relative the heated local region. Effect: high reliability and easier detection of crack defects in samples of rock geomaterials, enabling estimation of the location of said defects relative the centre of the sample.
S. I. Builo, D. M. Kuznetsov, V. V. Trepachev, V. L. Gaponov (Vorovich Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Southern Federal University; Don State Technical University; Institute of Power Engineering and Machine Building, Don State Technical University). Acoustic-emission testing and diagnostics of the dissolution kinetics of crystalline components. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Vol. 48, No. 10. P. 594-597. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061830912100026 DOI: 10.1134/S1061830912100026. eLibrary ID: 20476491
The dynamics of changes in acoustic emission (AE) parameters during the dissolution of a crystal were considered. The temperature dependence of the dissolution time constant was experimentally established. A method for estimating the crystal dissolution time constant and dynamics from the data of AE measurements was proposed
Vinogradov S.D., Lutskii V.A. (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Recovery of the form of acoustic signals in experiments with rock samples. Seism. Instr. 49, 238–243 (2013). https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0747923913030109 DOI: 10.3103/S0747923913030109
The formation of signals in the receiving channel of the recording system is assumed to be described by the linear procedure of convolution (Duhamel’s integral) in the first approximation. In this case, distortions caused by irregularity in the amplitude-frequency characteristic of electroacoustic converters (receivers) can be reduced and a real form of input signals can be recovered. To do this, it is required to know the impulse characteristic of the receiver and the amplifying part of the input channel of the system and to perform secondary data processing. A principal possibility of recovering a form of the input signals in such a way is shown
Vinogradov S.D., Lutskii V.A., Khromov, A.A. (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Non-explosive demolition agent as a source of acoustic noise during laboratory study of destruction of rocks. Seism. Instr. 49, 40–45 (2013). https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/s074792391301009x DOI: 10.3103/S074792391301009X
This work analyzes the noise impulses caused by a non-explosive demolition agent (NEDA), which was used as a stress source during experiments on the destruction of rock samples. As a result of our works, criteria have been obtained, which can be used for selection and filtration of acoustic noise pulses of a NEDA from the general flow of signals recorded at the registration of acoustic emission during deformation and destruction of rock samples
Ponomarev A.V., Lutskii V.A., Khromov A.A. (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). A reed switch as a source of elastic waves in laboratory experiments. Seism. Instr. 49, 81–86 (2013). https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0747923913010088 DOI: 10.3103/S0747923913010088
Acoustic signals arising due to the contacting-breaking of reed switches are analyzed. They are compared with other acoustic signal sources. Recommendations for using reed switches as a source of calibrated signals in laboratory experiments on hard material samples are given
A. P. Soldatenkov, L. R. Botvina, M. R. Tyutin, V. P. Levin, N. A. Zharkova (Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Fracture of a low-carbon steel under mode I, mode II, and mixed-mode loading conditions. Russ. Metall. 2013, 751–759 (2013). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0036029513100133 DOI: 10.1134/S0036029513100133
The effect of the shear component of static loading on the evolution of the plastic deformation zones and the mechanical and acoustic properties (acoustic emission parameters, ultrasonic wave velocity and attenuation coefficient) of a low-carbon grade 20 steel is studied. It is found that an increase in the shear loading component leads to a change in the shape of a plastic deformation zone, the appearance of an additional system of microcracks, an increase in the total fracture energy, a decrease in the slopes of the cumulative distributions of the acoustic signal amplitude and the microcrack length, and a significant increase in the ultrasound attenuation coefficient
Shkuratnik V.L., Nikolenko P.V., Ruban A.D., Kormnov A.A. Method to manufacture piezoelectric pressure gauge. Russian patent № 2439514 (2012). eLibrary ID: 37484129
Field: instrument making. Substance: piezoelements with electrodes are placed between a base and a force-transferring element. The produced piezopacket is tightened with an effort in a thin-walled jacket, which is coupled and welded along the perimeter at one end to the base, and at the other one – to the force-transferring element. Prior to assembly of the piezopacket each piezoelement it comprises is exposed to static mechanical loading with pressure individual for each piezoelement and exceeding pressure, to which piezoelements are exposed when tightened into the piezopacket. Effect: increased accuracy of measuring slowly rising preset values of static pressures.
V. L. Shkuratnik, E. A. Novikov (Moscow State Mining University). Correlation of thermally induced acoustic emission and ultimate compression strength in hard rocks. Journal of Mining Science. 2012. Vol. 48, No. 4. P. 629-635. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1062739148040053 DOI: 10.1134/S1062739148040053. eLibrary ID: 20478402
The authors have experimentally established and substantiated the relation between the ultimate compression strength and the low-temperature induced acoustic emission in the compressed hard rock specimens, averaged in a preset temparature range. This relation shows itself most clearly if data sampling is subjected to pre-censoring by withdrawal of data obtained on specimens with abormal defectiveness detected from the analysis of the thermally induced acoustic emission. The study case of the ultimate strength evaluation for Kapustinsky granite by using the thermoacoustic emission measurements is reported
V. L. Shkuratnik, E. A. Novikov. Physical modeling of the grain size influence on acoustic emission in the heated geomaterials. Journal of Mining Science. 2012. Vol. 48. No 1. P. 9-14. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739148010029. eLibrary ID: 17987308
Physical modeling of deformation of a hardening composite sample with a filler made of quartz sand with different grain sizes has established a relation between the acoustic emission parameters in the heated geomaterial, its grain size and strength. Anomalous acoustic emission has been revealed within definite heating temperature ranges, correlating the geomaterial strength in the first case and with the geomaterial grain size in the second case. The resultant experimental relation between the strength and grain size of agrees with the Hall-Petch relation.
V.I. Sheinin, D.I. Blokhin, A.V. Favorov (NIIOSP Research Institute of PJSC “Research Centre “Civil Engineering). The instrumentation of parameters of thermal radiation and of acoustic emission as a source of information concerning the processes of deformation of soft rock specimens. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. IOS Press. 2011. Pp. 267-273. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-801-4-267
The paper describes the testing of rock salt samples for monotonic loading under uniaxial compression, which was carried out with synchronous recording of changes of acoustic emission (AE), infrared radiation (IR) and strain parameters. The purpose of the work – to justify the effectiveness of techniques developed in NIIOSP for complex geomaterials deformation processes diagnostic with respect to the considered type of soft rock. The obtained results show that the techniques may be a useful part in the system of in-situ monitoring of the geomechanical events
Botvina L.R., Soldatenkov A.P., Tyutin M.R. (Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Development of damage in low-carbon steel under mode I and mode II loading conditions. Russ. Metall. 2011, 837–843 (2011). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0036029511090096 DOI: 10.1134/S0036029511090096
The geometry of plastic deformation localization zones in low-carbon steel specimens under mode II and I conditions is estimated using replicas, and the evolution of microcrack patterns in these zones is studied by acoustic emission. It is shown that, under mode II loading, the plastic deformation zone area decreases and an additional system of microcracks appears; as a result, the number of microcracks and the number of acoustic emission signals increase. The following localized fracture criteria are discussed: the concentration criterion and parameters b C and b AE of the length and amplitude distributions of microcracks and acoustic signals, respectively. These parameters are used to characterize and predict the fracture probability
Sagajdak A.I. Method to determine ultimate limit state of building structures. Russian patent №2417369 (2011). eLibrary ID: 37745798
Field: construction. Substance: method includes placement of acoustic emission sensors, recording a flow of acoustic emission signals parametres, formation of samples, definition of statistic parametres and assessment of structure state according to variation of acoustic emission parametres. At that the acoustic emission sensors are installed on a concrete structure surface, and parametres are recorded in process of damages accumulation, main statistic parametres of acoustic emission and normalised entropy are defined in each sample, and their numerical values are used to build a linear dependence, specific for a zone that corresponds to appearance of cracks in the structure with opening width from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, and whenever its angle of inclination changes by 90° and more, the ultimate limit state of the structure is detected. Effect: making it possible to analyse accumulation of damages in process of operation and detection of the structure ultimate limit state.
G. A. Sobolev, A. V. Ponomarev (Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences). Dynamics of fluid-triggered fracturing in the models of a geological medium. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2011. Vol. 47. No 10. P. 902-918. DOI: 10.1134/S1069351311100119. eLibrary ID: 18007569
Implications of infusion of small (compared to the pore space) amounts of water for the dynamics of fracturing are studied in the laboratory experiments on the models of a heterogeneous geological medium. Variations in the acoustic emission that precede macrofracture are analyzed, including as candidate precursors. In all experiments, the macrofracture had occurred not immediately after the mechanical loading or water infusion but with a time-delay after a period of acoustic quiescence and subsequent activation. The enhancement in acoustic activity preceding macrofracture is well reproduced by the exponential law; the correlation between the actual number of events (or the released energy) and the exponential approximation exceeds the 95% confidence level. The power law is slightly worse although also a confident approximation of the acoustic emission process. The facts of subsequent occurrence of quiescence and activation suggest that, in principle, this phenomenon can be used as a precursory signature in the prediction of macrofracturing.
Valerio de Rubeis, Zbigniew Czechowski, Roman Teisseyre (eds.) Synchronization and Triggering: from Fracture to Earthquake Processes. Laboratory, Field Analysis and Theories. Springer. 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-12299-6. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12300-9
Processes of synchronization and interaction play a very special role in different physical problems concerning the dynamics of the Earth’s interior; they are of particular importance in the study of seismic phenomena, and their complexity is strongly affected by the variety of geological structures and inhomogeneities of the medium that hamper the course of these processes and their intensity. The attempt to tackle these problems is a great challenge from experimental, observational and theoretical point of view. We present in this Monograph the theoretical and experimental results achieved in the frame of the European Project “Triggering and synchronization of seismic/acoustic events by weak external forcing as a sign of approaching the critical point” (INTAS Ref. Nr 05-1000008-7889); in this Project, which was inspired by Professor Tamaz Chelidze, our aim was to give grounds for better understanding and interpretation of dynamical interactive processes of physical fields, both found in the laboratory experiments as well as in field observations. One of the leading problems – related to synchronization and interaction of different physical fields in fracture processes concerns triggering and initiation of rupture and displacements within the Earth interior. From this point of view, the results from laboratory studies on synchronization and interaction and those found and involved in field observations, helped to improve the theoretical background. Reversely, some of the presented new theoretical approaches have served to stimulate laboratory and field studies
Sergiev B.P., Musatov V.V. (CC «GIAP-DISTcenter», Moscow). Support of the capital equipment of oil refining, petrochemical and chemical complex enterprises in conditions of the increased inter-repair interval with the help of non destroying control means. Proc.10th ECNDT, Moscow, 2010. https://www.ndt.net/article/ecndt2010/reports/4_01_23.pdf (full text)
S. I. Builo, D. M. Kuznetsov (Vorovich Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don; State Academy of Agricultural Machine Building, Rostov-on-Don). Acoustic-emission testing and diagnostics of the kinetics of physicochemical processes in liquid media. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2010. Vol. 46. No 9. P. 684-689. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830910090081. eLibrary ID: 16809239
The parameters of acoustic emission (AE) generated during crystal growth and dissolution are described. An explanation of detected radiation is proposed within the framework of the hypothesis of beats during the summation of a large number of vibrations with similar frequencies, which can be generated by both suprapremolecular water complexes and individual molecules. The fundamental possibility of evaluating the kinetics of crystallization, dissolution, and melting processes on the basis of data from AE investigations is shown.
Bykov S.P., Kuznetsov K.A., Jushin A.V., Skrjabikov I.N. Method of determining distance between converter and source of acoustic emission. Russian patent № 2397490 (2010). eLibrary ID: 37733253
Field: physics. Substance: acoustic emission converter is mounted on the inspected object. The object is loaded. Acoustic emission signals generated by a defect in the object are received and Lamb wave modes are picked up in form of a wave packet. The time-frequency characteristic is obtained on spectrograms, after which energy maxima of antisymmetric and symmetric modes are picked up. The distance between the converter and the source of acoustic emission is calculated from the difference in arrival time of energy maxima on the selected frequencies. Effect: increased reliability and information content when determining the distance between a converter and a source of acoustic emission, and increased noise immunity.
Sobolev G.A., Ponomarev A.V., Maibuk Y.Y., Zakrzhevskaya N.A., Ponyatovskaya V.I., Sobolev D.G., Khromov A.A., Tsyvinskaya Y.V. (Institute of the Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). The dynamics of the acoustic emission with water initiation. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth. 2010. Vol. 46. No 2. P. 136-153. DOI: 10.1134/S1069351310020035. eLibrary ID: 15326246
The long-term experiments on the biaxial compression of the models prepared from basalt sand, crushed limestone, and cement are carried out. The volume of the models exceeded 4 × 103 cm3. At different grades of load, water was infused into the model through the borehole. The volume of the infused water was less than 0.1% of the volume of the model itself. Water infusion resulted in the activation of the acoustic emission with a particular time lag. The initiation of the acoustic emission is connected with the local reduction in the strength and with the increase in the stresses near the metastable, which does not contradict the trigger mechanism. The hypocenters of the sources of acoustic signals initiated by water infusion lay in the vicinity of the boreholes. Within the time interval between weak events, pulses with higher energy appeared, which has an analogy with the swarm of earthquakes. The growth and extinction of the acoustic emission after the stepwise additional load and with the initiation by water infusion is significantly different. In the first case, the Omori law is obeyed. In the second case, the intensity of acoustic emission has a pronounced maximum. The equations of the kinetic concept of strength in solids make it possible to describe the dynamics of the acoustic emission caused by water infusion.
B. I. Zavoichinsky, E. B. Zavoichinskaya (Lomonosov MGU). Remaining life of gas pipeline structural elements assessed by technical and operating security diagnostics. GAS Industry of Russia. 2009. No 1. P. 34-37. eLibrary ID: 13105280
Adequate operating status of gas pipeline structural elements is typically ensured by routine diagnostics and assessment of remaining service life. This paper highlights the key technical goals of diagnostics and theoretical fundamentals of longevity assessments given the stringent industry requirements to operating security of hazardous facilities such as gas pipelines.
Akopyan V. A. (Vorovich Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Southern Federal University). Deformation criterion of the prefracture state of truss-structure elements and an acoustic-emission resonance technique on their basis. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2009. Vol. 45. No 3. P. 164-170. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830909030036. eLibrary ID: 13606480
The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the prefracture state of truss-structure elements with a cut determined by finite-element analysis of the resonance frequencies and modes of forced vibrations, which are associated with the time history of the acoustic-emission parameters, are given. The natural frequencies of plane vibration modes of a delta-shaped truss-structure element most sensitive to changes in the geometrical dimensions (the depth and angle of opening) of a cut are determined. A relationship between the angle of the cut opening and the value of displacements (accelerations) at the truss-structure model points adjacent to the cut is formulated. It is shown that the angle of the cut opening, calculated using this relationship, is completely a deformation criterion of the prefracture state of structures. The values of resonance frequencies of forced vibrations of structure elements at which the critical angle is reached and over which intense cracking begins are found.
S. V. Vil’yaminov, A. S. Voznesensky, V. V. Nabatov, V. L. Shkuratnik (Moscow State Mining University, Moscow). Regularities and mechanisms of thermal acoustic emission in gypseous rocks. Journal of Mining Science. 2009. Vol. 45. No 6. P. 533-540. DOI: 10.1007/s10913-009-0067-9. eLibrary ID: 15303007
The regularities and mechanisms of acoustic emission in gypseous rocks under heating are considered. Experimental data are interpreted by the thermal gravimetrical and differential thermal analyses. The applicability of thermoacoustic effects to identifying gypseous rocks and evaluating percentage of different minerals in them is verified.
Permjakov V.N., Makhutov N.A., Khajrullina L.B. Method of examination of strains and deformations. Russian patent №2345324 (2009). eLibrary ID: 37543393
Field: physics, measuring. Substance: invention concerns examination of strains and deformations and can be used for examination of strains and deformations in details, for example, in devices of metal constructions of engineering constructions. On explored surface of detail superimpose fragile strain-sensing coat. In addition carry out installation of the module with data units of transformers of an acoustic emission. As a fragile coat use a coat on the basis of the artificial tars, containing resorcinol-formaldehyde tar of SF-282 with addition of carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate CFC-85. As a hardener of the liquid carbamide-formaldehyde concentrate use a water solution of formalin, ethyleneglycol and carboxymethyl cellulose, and hexamethylenalnine. Effect: increase of accuracy and efficiency of examination.
Khilkov K.V., Mezintsev E.D., Fleganova G.V. Method of controlling foreign items in internal cavities of articles. Russian patent №2344414 (2009). eLibrary ID: 37542849
Field: physics, measuring. Substance: invention is used for controlling foreign items in internal cavities of articles. Articles are rotated on an axis, in the rotation process acoustic signals are picked up on the outer surface of the article, they are converted into electrical signals or their parameters are conveyed via communication channels for processing and registration for determining by this signals the presence or absence of foreign items inside the cavity of the articles, and the signals are obtained from different points on the surface of the article, the obtained signals are conveyed for processing and registration by radio channels, the coordinates of the sources of acoustic signals are determined, the current angle of rotation is determined, the fact of the detection of a foreign object during rotation is ascertained by the coordinates of the source of the signals and the angle of rotation, corresponding to the moment of the occurrence off the signals. Effect: increase in the integrity of control, and also providing control of the presence of foreign materials in large-sized articles
Belozerov V.V., Bosyj S.I., Bujlo S.I., Prus Ju.V., Udovichenko Ju.I. Method for thermodynamic acoustic-emission standardisation and system for realising said method. Russian patent №2399910 (2010). eLibrary ID: 37704973
Field: physics. Substance: signal simulator used is in form of at least micro-weighing chemically pure substances inside sealed cavities of a thermoacoustic waveguide rod (TAWR) with acoustic emission (AE) and temperature sensors, where the mass of said substances is determined with maximum accuracy and said substances have reversible anhysteretic temperature and energy of phase transitions (PT) of the first type (crystallisation/melting, evaporation/condensation), from which, in each cycle for heating and (or) cooling a sample in contact with the TAWR, by receiving AE signals of said PT and by simultaneously measuring contact temperature of the TAWR with the sample at PT points, temperature measurement channels and AE (sensors-amplifiers-converters) as a whole are checked and calibrated from temperature and energy characteristics of the PT of the first type of built-in thermodynamic acoustic-emission (TDAE) standards, by changing amplification coefficients or (and) threshold of sensitivity of measurement channels, or (and) amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of temperature, electric and acoustic signal converters or (and) corresponding corrections when converting digital data to physical parameters. Possibility of TDAE standardisation is provided, which enables metrological support for thermal and (or) acoustic-emission analysis installations through dynamic and static inspection of their temperature and acoustic measurement channels. Effect: increased reliability and accuracy of determining temperature and energy characteristics, stages for destruction of materials.
Belozerov V.V., Bujlo S.I., Prus Ju.V. Combined thermogravimetric and acoustic-emission method for determining stages of thermodestruction of substances and materials, and device for implementation of method. Russian patent № 2324923 (2008). eLibrary ID: 37654037
Field: thermal analysis. Substance: method and device involve placement of a weight of substance or material under study in a ceramic crucible and heating of the crucible until loss of mass is finished. In the course of heating, temperature, mass and derivative of mass with respect to time or temperature are measured, and, at the same time, signals of acoustic emission accompanying accumulation of structure defects under action of temperature are received. Then, from the obtained relationships of temperature, mass and derivative of mass with respect to time and from registered acoustic emission parameters, thermodestruction process stages and fire hazard indices are determined. Effect: improved reliability and accuracy in determining the stages of thermodestruction of substances and materials as well as basic fire hazard indices: temperatures of melting, sublimation, pyrolysis, inflammation, formation of coke residue.
S. I. Builo, V. V. Belozerov, S. P. Zinchenko, I. G. Ivanov. Excitation of acoustic emission by laser radiation for studies of structural alterations in composites and polymers. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2008. Vol. 44. No 9. P. 615-620. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830908090040. eLibrary ID: 13584658
The special features of excitation of acoustic emission (AE) by laser radiation are studied. It has been found that ruby and copper-vapor lasers reliably excite AE with an amplitude high enough to be detected. It has been shown that AE parameters of polymers have a significant sensitivity to the type of laser irradiation used for initiating local thermal destruction. The results can be used for remote acoustic calibration and initiation of local thermal destruction during AE diagnostics of thermal stability of polymers and composite materials.
S. I. Builo, V. V. Belozerov, Yu. V. Prus. Combined thermogravimetric and acoustic-emission diagnostics of stages of thermal destruction of substances and materials. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2008. Vol. 44. No 3. P. 212-214. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830908030078. eLibrary ID: 13573797
The possibilities and limits of existing methods of estimating the thermophysical stability of substances and materials are analyzed. A combined method of thermogravimetric and acoustic-emission (AE) diagnostics of stages of thermal destruction is proposed. It is shown that combination of existing thermal analysis and AE methods leads to an increase in the accuracy and reliability of data on degradation processes in materials under the action of temperature.
Vinogradov S.D., Lutskii V.A. Solid-model study of shear fracture under loading by means of recording system Aline32D. Seism. Instr. 44, 50–52 (2008). https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0747923908010076 DOI: 10.3103/S0747923908010076
Results of study of shear fracture under loading are considered which are obtained in solid-model experiments by means of making a simultaneous record of a displacement, load value, and acoustic pulses occurring due to jumps of the fracture edges displacement. The recording has been conducted with the help of the data acquisition and processing system Aline32D
Lutskii V.A. (Schmidt Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Estimation of information losses on reception of acoustic data by the Aline32D system. Seism. Instr. 45, 69–74 (2009). https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0747923909010113 DOI: 10.3103/S0747923909010113
The results of determining the relative number of recorded oscillograms for acoustic event intensities of up to 400 1/s in the four-channel Aline32D system for acoustic data reception and processing are presented. Since the internal characteristics of a computer determining the data processing performance are not always available, this problem is solved experimentally. Recommendations concerning the determined working parameters of the Aline32D system are given. This work may be used for the solution of geophysical applied problems
V. L. Shkuratnik, S. V. Kuchurin, V. A. Vinnikov. Regularities of acoustic emission and thermoemission memory effect in coal specimens under varying thermal conditions. Journal of Mining Science. 2007. Vol. 43. No 4. P. 394-403. DOI: 10.1007/s10913-007-0038-y. eLibrary ID: 13555728
The experimental data on acoustic emission regularities are presented for specimens of different genetic coal types exposed to a wide range of cyclic heating modes. Peculiarities of formation and manifestation of thermal-emission memory effect depending on amplitude and duration of the thermal-field action are revealed.
V. L. Shkuratnik, Yu. L. Filimonov, S. V. Kuchurin. Features of the Kaiser effect in coal specimens at different stages of the triaxial axisymmetric deformation. Journal of Mining Science. 2007. Vol. 43. No 1. P. 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s10913-007-0001-y. eLibrary ID: 13548889
The experimental data are presented for the features of formation and manifestation of the acousto-emission and deformation memory effects in specimens of anthracite at different stages of the triaxial cyclic deformation by the Karman scheme in the pre-limiting and post-limiting zones.
Huai-zhong Yu, Xiang-chu Yin, Qing-yong Zhu and Yu-ding Yan (State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, China; State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China; Guangdong Seismological Bureau, China Earthquake Administration, Guangzhou, China). State Vector: A New Approach to Prediction of the Failure of Brittle Heterogeneous Media and Large Earthquakes. Pure appl. geophys. 163, 2561–2574 (2006). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00024-006-0145-8 DOI: 10.1007/s00024-006-0145-8
The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe activity patterns of a physical field in its manner of coarsegrain. In this paper, we propose an approach by which the state vector was applied to describe quantitatively the damage evolution of the brittle heterogeneous systems, and some interesting results are presented, i.e., prior to the macro-fracture of rock specimens and occurrence of a strong earthquake, evolutions of the four relevant scalars time series derived from the state vectors changed anomalously. As retrospective studies, some prominent large earthquakes occurred in the Chinese Mainland (e.g., the M 7.4 Haicheng earthquake on February 4, 1975, and the M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976, etc) were investigated. Results show considerable promise that the time-dependent state vectors could serve as a kind of precursor to predict earthquakes
Benin A. V. (St. Petersburg State Railway University). Analysis of the acoustic emission technique used in laboratory tests of reinforced-concrete structures. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2006. Vol. 42, No. 12. P. 790-793. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1061830906120035 DOI: 10.1134/S1061830906120035. eLibrary ID: 13524477
Deformation, crack generation, and fracture of reinforced-concrete structures are studied experimentally. Acoustic emission is used as one of the testing techniques to monitor the development of these processes. The performed experimental studies confirm the possibility of using the acousticemission technique to study the accumulation kinetics of flaws in reinforced-concrete structures and theoretically predicting fracturing when it is still difficult to do so on the basis of macroscopic observations. It is established that laboratory acoustic-emission tests of reinforced-concrete samples provide the necessary experimental basis for developing the theory of the deformation and fracture of reinforced concrete
A. S. Voznesenskii, E. A. Ertuganova, S. V. Vil'yamov, M. N. Tavostin (Moscow State Mining University, Moscow; Podzemgazprom Joint-Stock Company, Moscow). Comparative analysis of the acoustic emission parameters recorded in carnallite under deformation and dissolution. Journal of Mining Science. 2006. Vol. 42, No. 6. P. 548-555. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10913-006-0098-4 DOI: 10.1007/s10913-006-0098-4. eLibrary ID: 13505570
An analysis is performed into the differences the spectra of the acoustic emission signals exhibit in the frequency range from 30 to 500 kHz in carnallite samples subjected to deformation and dissolution. It is shown that the spectral components on the lower frequencies of the mentioned range have higher amplitudes in the sample under the deformation
V. L. Shkuratnik, S. V. Kuchurin, Yu. L. Filimonov. Acoustic emission memory effect in coal samples under uniaxial cyclic loading. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2006. Vol. 47. No 2. P. 236-240. DOI: 10.1007/s10808-006-0048-6. eLibrary ID: 13527327
This paper gives results from experimental studies of the acoustic emission and strain memory effects in anthracite samples under cyclic loading. Trends and regularities were found in the formation and manifestation of the acoustic emission memory effect of coal in nonmonotonic uniaxial tests.
V. Volkovas, V. Dorosevas, V. I. El’manovich, D. V. Bagmutov. Methodological aspects of assessment of the strength and residual service life of pressurized vessels based on acoustic-emission diagnostics. Russ J Nondestruct Test 40, 753–762 (2004). DOI: 10.1007/s11181-005-0054-4
The state-of-the-art in acoustic-emission diagnostics of pressurized vessels is analyzed. It is shown that the widely used qualitative relationship between nondestructive testing methods and the science of material strength can be replaced with a quantitative relationship based on specially organized non-destructive testing procedures carried out when the object being tested is operated. Based on a number of examples, in which the state of pressurized vessels subject to low-temperature hydrogen (hydrogen sulfide) corrosion and to pitting corrosion is assessed, the main concepts and options of the suggested methods are described. Results of the assessment of the residual service life of some vessels are presented. The conducted research shows that a new regulatory framework needs to be developed for assessing the operability of expensive equipment in oil-refining and petrochemical plants on the basis of acoustic-emission diagnostics, applied fracture mechanics, and risk analysis.
Sagajdak A.I. Technique controlling positions of fittings in reinforced concrete structures. Russian patent №2222008 (2004). eLibrary ID: 37934968
Field: civil engineering, nondestructive testing of building reinforced concrete structures. Substance: technique controlling positions of fittings in reinforced concrete structure consists in placement of transducers on concrete surface of structure, determination of coordinates of positions of fittings in body of concrete. Location group of transducers of acoustic emission is placed on surface of structure, surface layer of concrete is broken locally, sources of acoustic emission are recorded and their volume coordinates are established and used to make judgment on positions of fittings in structure. Effect: reduced labor input to process of determination of coordinates of positions of fitting in body of concrete, increased measurement accuracy.
Miseiko A.N., Sazonov A.A. (OAO ORGENERGONEFT, Samara Branch, Samara). Use of the acoustic emission method for detecting corrosive damages of technological pipelines. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2003. V. 39. № 6. Pp. 453-458. DOI: 10.1023/B:RUNT.0000011626.77162.fe. eLibrary ID: 13439589
An example of testing a technological pipeline using the acoustic emission method is described. Increased corrosive activity zones are detected and an attempt of estimating the sources with the use of criteria which have not been used earlier for estimating the corrosive attack (local dynamic Ivanov–Bykov criterion) is made.
Sagajdak A.I. Method of quality control of building structure concreting. Russian patent № 2206088 (2003). eLibrary ID: 37914593
Field: construction engineering. Substance: method includes installation of transducers group into freshly placed concrete mix; registration of coordinates of sources of acoustic emission signals in bulk of hardening concrete; determination of concreting quality by detection of areas nonfilled with concrete by absence of coordinates of signals. Offered method provides for high accuracy in determination of sizes and locations of defective sections in structure. As quality control is made at early stages of concrete setting, offered method allows prompt correction of defected defects of concreting. Effect: higher efficiency of method.
Sokolkin A.V., Ievlev I.Y., Cholakh S.O. (OAO Slavneft'–Megionneftegaz, Megion; NTO Inprotest, Yekaterinburg; Ural State Technical University (UPI), Yekaterinburg). Prospects of Applications of Acoustic Emission Methods to Testing Bottoms of Tanks for Oil and Oil Derivatives. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 38, 113–115 (2002). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1020546307628 DOI: 10.1023/A:1020546307628. eLibrary ID: 13401782
The paper reviews prospects of utilization of acoustic emission method in testing bottoms of vertical welded vessels for oil and its derivatives. A guideline document is needed to describe a unified version of the technique for testing such objects and interpreting results of such tests
Krasnov A.A., Gnetnev Ju.I., Konon A.V., Minaev A.D. Acoustic emission system for diagnostics of industrial objects. Russian patent № 2168169 (2001). eLibrary ID: 37866755
Field: nondestructive testing of materials of articles by signals of acoustic emission. Substance: invention can be used for diagnostics of technical condition of pipe-lines and oil and oil product tanks. Acoustic emission system for diagnostics of industrial objects has electroacoustic converter, amplification and filtration unit, analog-to-digital converter, module of processing and recording of numbered signals connected in series which makes it possible to receive acoustic signals whose sources are regions of progressing corrosion with simultaneous reception of acoustic signals caused by developing technological cracks in bottoms of tanks and reception of acoustic signals caused by leaks through specified defects without re-adjustment of system. System is fitted with voltage divider and second analog-to-digital converter connected in series and module integrating word lengths of numbered signals. Input of voltage divider is connected to output of amplification and filtration unit, outputs of first and second analog-to-digital converters are connected to inputs of mentioned module integrating word lengths of numbered signals and output of this module is connected to input of module of processing and recording of numbered signals. Effect: improved functional efficiency and productivity of system.