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Our publications in 2015

List of publications in 2015, in which our employees participated:

Medvedeva, M. L.; Ratanova, M. D.; Barat, V. A. Acoustic Emission in Monitoring Corrosion of Crude Distillation-Unit Equipment. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 2015, 51, 7-8, pp. 574-577. DOI: 10.1007/s10556-015-0089-x. eLibrary ID: 27028647

Abstract The possibility of detecting a change in the corrosion mechanism of carbon steel by analyzing acoustic-emission (AE) signals was investigated. The change in the corrosion mechanism of steel 20 with a change of pH was modeled in citrate buffers at various pH values. The overall steel corrosion rate, polarization curves, corrosion products, and AE signals associated with steel dissolution were analyzed. It was shown that AE monitoring of the overall corrosion of carbon steel could not only estimate the extent of corrosion but also detect changes in the corrosion mechanism.


D. A. Terentiev. Zastosowanie metody emisji akustycznej (AE) w diagnostyce urządzeń technicznych. Rynek inwestycji, 2015-2016, №09-10, str. 80-81. https://rynekinwestycji.pl/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/RYNEK-INWESTYCJI_Wydanie-9-10_2015_2016.pdf (full text)

Abstract Emisja akustyczna (AE) jest „promieniowaniem” fal akustycznych w miejscu wystąpienia deformacji plastycznej ciał stałych, rozwoju wad (pęknięć, mikropęknięć, rozwarstwień, korozji, kruchości wodorowej itp.), tarcia, wyciekania cieczy i gazów przez pęknięcia – nieszczelności.


Matvienko, Yu. G.; Vasil’ev, I. E.; Ivanov, V. I.; Elizarov, S. V. The acoustic-emission properties of oxide tensosensitive indicators and signal recognition during the formation of cracks in a brittle coating layer. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2015, 51, 1, pp. 39-49. DOI: 10.1134/S1061830915010052. eLibray ID: 23994060

Abstract The acoustic-emission properties of brittle oxide tensosensitive indicators (TS) coatings are considered, which are used not only for determining the fields of the highest principal stresses (strains) in a substrate but also, when combined with the acoustic-emission (AE) method, for diagnosing flaws at an early deformation stage in structures. AE pulses that are generated in a brittle layer of a TS indicator during formation of cracks are analyzed as a function of the oxide-film thickness and the substrate-deformation rate. Proceeding from the features of AE pulses that arise during the formation of cracks in the brittle layer of a TS indicator, an algorithm for recognizing signals according to the shape of a decaying wave is proposed.


Pokhabov Yu.P., Lepikhin A.M., Chernov D.V., Barat V.A., Moskvichev V.V. Method for determining suitability of high-pressure metal compound tanks. Russian patent №2650822 (2018). eLibrary ID: 41030422

Abstract Field: technological processes. Substance: use: for non-destructive testing of high-pressure metal-composite tanks using acoustic-emission signals. Essence of the invention is the fact that in the process of loading the tanks by gradually increasing their internal pressure parameters of acoustic emission signals are measured and used to determine the level of accumulated damage, and when the critical parameters have been reached, a decision is taken on the suitability of the tank for operation, while the calibration of the reference tank is performed to a level of no more than 1.25 of the preset working pressure with continuous monitoring of acoustic emission wave fluxes in the composite material and corresponding internal pressures in the tank, narrow band and broadband acoustical emission signals, corresponding to the processes of destruction of the matrix and fibers of the composite material, are isolated, by calculating the mean square deviation of the amplitudes of narrowband and broadband acoustic emission signals, determining the criterial parameters, corresponding to the quantiles of the empirical distribution functions of the mean square deviations of the amplitudes of narrowband and broadband acoustic emission signals, whose level is chosen not less than the level of the standard deviation of the noise flux of acoustic emission signals and not higher than the median value of the distribution, the choice of the level of the discrimination threshold based on the criterial parameters so that the discrimination threshold would correspond to at least 75 % of the difference in the criterial parameters of broadband and narrowband acoustic emission signals, obtained at the stage of calibration tests, loading of each subsequent tank is performed until the criterion parameter reaches the discrimination threshold, and the decision on the level of tank qualification is made on the basis of comparison of internal pressures in a batch of tanks corresponding to the thresholds of discrimination. Effect: technical result: increasing the reliability of the determination of suitable high-pressure metal-composite tanks.