List of publications in 2023, in which our employees participated:
V. Barat, V. Bardakov, S. Elizarov. Probability of detecting fatigue cracks in pearlitic steels by acoustic emission method. World Conference on Acoustic Emission (WCAE-2023), Chengdu, China. November 14-17 2023
S. Elizarov. The overview of the INTERUNIS-IT product line and technologies. World Conference on Acoustic Emission (WCAE-2023), Chengdu, China. November 14-17 2023
Barat V.A., Lenev S.N., Radin Yu.A. Method for determining air suction in the vacuum system of steam turbine plants. Russian patent №2800565 (2023). eLibrary ID: 54232114
Field: steam turbines. Substance: invention us intended to determine the suction of air in the vacuum system of steam turbine plants. The temporal realizations of acoustic signals on the surface of the equipment are measured and the amplitude, spectral and correlation criteria for the presence of a leak are calculated, whereas the temporal realizations of acoustic signals are measured at two points of the alleged suction s1, s2 and at two points of the no suction s3,s4 to determine the reference signal, filter the received acoustic signals, determine the stationary sections of acoustic signals, form a sample of temporal realizations of acoustic signals, the amplitude criterion for the presence of suction critA is calculated based on a comparison of the standard deviations of the signals s1, s2, s3, s4, the spectral criterion for the presence of suction critE is calculated based on a comparison of the entropy of the spectra of signals s1, s2 and signals s3, s4, the correlation criterion for the presence of suction critR is obtained based on the calculation of the partial correlation coefficient of signals s1 and s2, excluding the influence of signal s3, after which the weighted integral criterion for the presence of suction cup crit is calculated using the formula crit=α⋅ critA+β⋅ crit+γ⋅ critR, where α ,β ,γ are weight coefficients such that α +β +γ =1, whereas if the crit value is less than 0.5, it is concluded that there is no air suction; if the crit value is in the range of 0.5-0.67, it is concluded that air suction is possible; if the crit value exceeds 0.67, a conclusion is made about the presence of air suction. Effect: increasing the speed of determining air suction in the vacuum system of steam turbine plants, as well as expanding the scope and increasing accuracy
Vasilev I.E., Matvienko Yu.G., Chernov D.V., Makhutov N.A., Elizarov S.V. Method for monitoring the load-bearing capacity of products. Russian patent №2787964 (2023). eLibrary ID: 50129463
Field: measuring technology. Substance: invention is used for monitoring the load-bearing strength of products using acoustic emission diagnostics. The essence of the invention lies in the fact that cluster selection of recorded location pulses is carried out in the field of relative energy (Ep) and average emission frequency descriptors (Np/tp, where Np is the number of emissions, tp is the pulse duration) for clusters of the lower (L), middle (M) and upper (U) energy levels, and calculation of the weight content of location pulses (WL, WM, WU) in the specified clusters (Wi = (Ni/N∑)⋅100%, where N∑ is the total number of location pulses, Ni=L, M, U is their number in the i-th cluster), while additionally calculating the current level of load-bearing capacity of products according to the corresponding formulas, which include parameters such as WL and WM: the weight content of location pulses recorded every second in the lower and middle energy clusters, [WL] and [WM] are their threshold values in case of structural material destruction, (WL)max ≥ 80%, (WM)min ≤ 20%, (WU)min < 1% are the extreme values of the parameters recorded during the transition from scattered to local damage accumulation. Effect: increasing the reliability and accuracy of the assessment of the current level of load-bearing capacity of products using AE diagnostics