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Our portfolio in 2018

List of publications in 2019, in which our clients describe examples of the use of our company's products:

S.N. Shevtsov, A.N. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov, V.A. Chebanenko. Piezoelectric Actuators and Generators for Energy Harvesting. Research and Development. Springer. 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-75628-8. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75629-5

Abstract This book presents new approaches to research and desing of piezoelectric actuators and generators of different types based on established, original constructions and contemporary research into framework of theoretical, experimental, and numerical methods of physics, mechanics, and materials science. Improved technical solutions incorporated into the devices demonstrate high output values of voltage and power, allowing application of the goods in various areas of energy harvesting. The book is divided into seven chapters, each presenting main results of the chapter, along with a brief exposition of novel findings from around the world proving context for the author’s results. It presents particular results of the Soviet and Russian schools of Mechanics and Material Sciences not previously available outside of Russia

Tukaeva, R. B., Prokhorov, A. A., & Miniakhmetov, O. Y. (2018). Magnetic Inspection for Assessing the Uniformity of Flange Joints Bolt Tightening. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1781–1791. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95630-5_191. eLibrary ID: 38653535

E. V. Aniskovich, V. V. Moskvichev, N. A. Makhutov, I. A. Razumovskii, I. N. Odintsev, A. A. Apal’kov, T. P. Plugatar’ (ICT SB Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk/SKTB Nauka, SFU, Krasnoyarsk; IMASH Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). Evaluation of Residual Stresses in the Impeller Blades of Hydraulic Units. Power Technol Eng 53, 33–38 (2019). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10749-019-01030-y DOI: 10.1007/s10749-019-01030-y

Abstract The technologies and results of an experimental determination of residual stresses in the impeller blades of a hydraulic unit of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant obtained through technical diagnostics beyond the projected periods of use are presented. The investigations of the residual stresses were performed by strain measurement with excision of templates and the optical method of speckle interferometry. Factual values of the components of the residual stresses in two zones of the blade with nonuniform stress fields were obtained

A. M. Lepikhin, V. V. Moskvichev, A. P. Chernyaev (Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk; Nauka Special Design and Technological Bureau, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk). Acoustic-Emission Monitoring of the Deformation and Fracture of Metal–Composite Pressure Vessels. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018. Vol. 59. No 3. P. 511-518. DOI 10.1134/S0021894418030161. eLibrary ID: 35753666

Abstract This paper presents the results of experimental studies of damage accumulation in a metal–composite pressure vessel by pneumatic strength tests. The deformation and fracture of the composite structure accompanied by matrix cracking and fiber rupture are analyzed. It is shown that the cracks and fractures generate acoustic-emission signals of various types. The results of acoustic-emission monitoring were used to develop a criterion for ranking vessels according to the strength characteristics of the pressure composite shell.


P. V. Nikolenko, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. D. Chepur, A. E. Koshelev (National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow; GAZPROM Geotechnology, Moscow). Using the Kaiser Effect in Composites for Stressed Rock Mass Control. Journal of Mining Science. 2018. Vol. 54. No 1. P. 21-26. DOI 10.1134/S1062739118013282. eLibrary ID: 38632546

Abstract Stress memory in consolidating composites in acoustic emission is studied experimentally to understand feasibility of its application in stress state control in rock mass. The tests show that, owing to uniformity and comparatively high responsiveness of acoustic emission behavior under straining, composite materials, when placed in a geomedium, allow highly accurate identification of tensor of actual stresses in it.


E. A. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. G. Zaitsev (National University of Science and Technology, Moscow). Effect of Thermal Memory in Acoustic Emission in Fossil Coal after Pre-Disintegration by Cryogenic Treatment. Journal of Mining Science. 2018. Vol. 54. No 6. P. 883-892. DOI 10.1134/S1062739118065023. eLibrary ID: 41683885

Abstract Acoustic emission response of fossil coals being at different stages of metamorphism to cyclic variation of effective thermal stresses is experimentally investigated. The equipment and procedure used in the experiments are described. The features of the response are revealed and analyzed in the samples of anthracite, lignite and bituminous coal with different damage extent governed by the preliminary cyclic freezing and thawing, as well as by water saturation. It is shown that the signature of such features is a thermal analog of the Felicity effect which appears in each cycle of temperature action. The regularities of this effect are found, and their physical explanation is given based on the analysis of defect formation in coals at different stages of thermal treatment. The methodical approaches are proposed and substantiated, which allow structural damage, thermal resistance, oxidation and proneness to frost weathering of coal to be estimated by the Felicity effect in the acoustic emission response of coal to cyclic thermal forces. Possibility of using the found features to predict structural changes in coal products which are in long-term storage under specific climatic conditions, as well as for forecasting risk of self-heating and spontaneous combustion of coal products is discussed.

E. A. Novikov, V. L. Shkuratnik, M. G. Zaytsev, R. O. Oshkin (National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow Mining Institute (MGI), Moscow, Russia). Changes in properties and state of coal exposed to freeze-thaw weathering: evidence from thermally induced acoustic emission. Earth's Cryosphere. 2018. Vol. 22, No. 4. P. 68-74. DOI 10.21782/EC2541-9994-2018-4(68-74). https://earthcryosphere.ru/archive/2018_4/eng_2018_4/08.Novikov_4_2018_eng.pdf (full text). eLibrary ID: 50203525 (full text)

Abstract Acoustic emission responses of water-saturated lignite and hard coal samples exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing have been studied as a function of the number of loading cycles, at different stages of freeze-thaw weathering, including prefailure. It is suggested to use an acoustic emission ratio to track the weathering history of coal and to assess the dependence of the weathering rate on pore water pH. The revealed acoustic emission patterns are applicable to predict the effect of weathering on the oxidation of coal which reduces its calorific value and poses risks of spontaneous combustion


Novikov E.A., Shkuratnik V.L., Zajtsev M.G., Epshtejn S.A. Method for determining the thermal resistance of coals to their cyclic freezing and thawing. Russian patent № 2644615 (2018). eLibrary ID: 39267813

Abstract Field: measuring equipment. Substance: invention relates to metrology, in particular to methods for determining the thermal stability of coals during their cyclic freezing and thawing. Essence: cyclical freezing and thawing of the same type of coal samples are performed at M number of cycles equal to the serial number of the corresponding sample in the series. Further, in parallel recording the parameters of acoustic emission, each of the samples is slowly uniformly heated to a temperature in the range of (80–90) ± 5 °C and held at it for at least 4 hours. Boundaries of successive time intervals are then determined, the first of which begins at the time of heating the sample to 30 °C and ends with stabilization of its temperature at a constant value, and the second – of the same duration, begins with an increase in the level of activity of acoustic emission to a value of not less than one and a half times higher than the background noise level. In each of these intervals, average values of acoustic emission activity are calculated. During the slow heating-up of the sample to the holdup temperature, the initially weak structural bonds are destroyed and the source of emission becomes weak, and when the critical stresses are formed in the sample under prolonged thermal loading, the remaining, initially strong bonds become sources of emission. Therefore, the coefficient K, equal to the ratio between the acoustic emission activity in the second and the first of the indicated time intervals, reflects the residual thermal stability of the coal after freezing and thawing. Value of the thermal stability of the coal with respect to cyclic freezing and thawing is defined as the dependence reduction point K(M), which shows the number of cycles after which there are practically no strong structural bonds in the coal under study. Effect: technical result: possibility of determining the thermal stability of coal during its cyclic freezing and thawing.

A. V. Patonin, N. M. Shikhova, A. V. Ponomarev, V. B. Smirnov (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia). A Modular System for Continuous Recording of Acoustic Emission for Laboratory Studies of Rock Destruction Processes. Seism. Instr. 55, 313–326 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0747923919030101

Abstract The MSR-AE-21 high-speed multichannel system for recording AE signals was developed, based on modern E20-10 four-channel 14-bit ADCs, produced by the Russian company LCard. The system is designed for continuous and synchronous recording of the acoustic emission (AE) stream from 21 piezoelectric sensors and is used as part of a laboratory hardware–software system for testing rocks under uniaxial and triaxial strain conditions. A digitization frequency of up to 7.5 MHz per channel makes it possible to analyze in detail AE signals with a frequency of up to 750 kHz. The 40 dB preamplifier block has a bandwidth from 1.5 to 750 kHz. Continuous recording over all channels during the entire test time makes it possible at the end of recording to search for and identify acoustic events in a wide dynamic range of amplitudes and energies with minimal loss/omission of individual AE events. The use of fast information processing algorithms makes it possible to recognize events in real time, detecting and discarding intervals with no signals and thereby reducing the total amount of information recorded in the database


Rastegaev I.A., Merson D.L., Danyuk A.V., Afanas’ev M.A., Khrustalev A.K. Universal Waveguide for the Acoustic-Emission Evaluation of High-Temperature Industrial Objects. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2018. Vol. 54. No 3. P. 164-173. DOI 10.1134/S1061830918030099. eLibrary ID: 35765141

Abstract An original waveguide design has been proposed that makes it possible to carry out acousticemission inspection, diagnostics, and monitoring of industrial objects operating at temperatures above 85°С. The waveguide ensures higher heat-dissipation characteristics, with minimum acoustic losses, than the known clamped-type waveguides. Its application involves no changes to the test object and requires no special permissions from supervising authorities. The underlying physical operating principles, specific features of embodiment, application possibilities, and results of the full cycle of research into how waveguide design features influence heat-dissipation and acoustic characteristics are described. The use of such waveguides widens the application field for the acoustic-emission method as an express technique for evaluating the technical condition of high-temperature objects both during operation and before decommissioning them for technical diagnostics with the aim to identify active (hazardous) areas and include them into the program of testing with other nondestructive methods.


Rastegaev I.A., Merson D.L., Danyuk A.V., Afanasev M.A., Khrustalev A.K. Universal waveguide of acoustic emission signals. Russian patent № 2665360 (2018). eLibrary ID: 37379495

Abstract Field: physics. Substance: invention relates to waveguides of acoustic emission signals (AE) intended for controlling and monitoring of hazardous production facilities or their elements at temperatures outside the permissible temperature range of application of the AE converter. Universal waveguide of acoustic emission signals with superimposed heat sink elements is characterized in that the heat dissipating device is collapsible and consists of several constituent elements that allow: to carry out its mounting/dismounting during the operation of the waveguide; reorient the device to a new monitoring object, temperature mode of operation, or other waveguide; ensure the compactness of transportation and storage, as well as manufacturability in manufacturing and maintainability during operation. Effect: technical result consists in the possibility of ensuring the compactness of transportation and storage, as well as manufacturability in the manufacture and maintainability during operation.


Chmykhalo A.I., Spiryagin V.V., Chelnokov A.V., Pankin D.A. Method for detecting leakage in a coupling tube heat exchanger. Russian patent № 2670222 (2018). eLibrary ID: 37361874

Abstract Field: defectoscopy. Substance: method refers to the field of nondestructive testing and technical diagnostics of shell-and-tube heat exchangers using acoustic emission, operated in contact with chemically hazardous or combustible substances, and can be used to detect leaks in the heat exchanger during the diagnosis process, as well as to optimize the process of locating leaks in the tube bundle. Essence of the method consists in removing the contents of the channels for the working fluid and the channels for the heat exchange product, introducing a detection product – a gas (for example, an inert gas or nitrogen) into the working fluid passages, introducing a neutralizing liquid, for example 1–2 % acetic acid solution, into the shell space, to control the height of its ascent by means of a calibration table until the entire intertube space is filled, maintenance of pressure in one of the channels is higher than in the other, the identification of leakage of the product of detection from one channel to another, if any, in the process of constant monitoring from the beginning of introduction of the neutralizing liquid by the detection means, for example, an acoustic emission system, by changing the acoustic emission signals accompanying the cavitation leakage of the detection product from the defective tube of the corresponding series, determined from the calibration table, into the neutralizing fluid of the annular space. Effect: creating a method that reduces the time of diagnosis, including detection of leakage, and optimizes the search for a series containing at least one defective tube of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger made with a plurality of tubes, without disassembling it, and at the same time ensure the safety of monitoring the technical condition of heat exchangers in working conditions in contact with chemically hazardous substances.